

-夏布利酒莊 小夏布利白酒
LA CHABLISIENNE Petit Chablis Pas Si Petit

原價:$ 1050/瓶

法國-夏布利酒莊-博根地 AOC夏布利產區

LA CHABLISIENNE Petit Chablis Pas Si Petit ,
AC-Chablis, Burgundy, France


品種/Grapes:100% Chardonnay

酒質/Tasting Notes:釀       製:發酵前先冷却,在不鏽鋼槽中進行酵母及乳酸發酵,帶著細緻酒渣在槽中培養6個月。呈現明亮的淡綠色光澤及清新的香氣,開始呈現金銀花的芬芳,接著出現柑橘的氣息。如石灰的礦石味主導了整個香氣,讓這款酒瞬間呈現新鮮感,這令人耳目一新的口感,很快被帶有愉悅的苦澀及伴隨顯著的鹹味平衡,說明來自真實的夏布利產區。尾韻帶有細緻綿長的柑橘皮氣味。
Pale yellow gold colour, a limpid and brilliant wine. On aeration, a white floral touch completes the aromatic palette. On first opening, mature, white orchard fruits are in evidence. Good persistence. Full and structured in the mouth with a fine limestone presence. Excellent volume and fine texture. Long mineral finish. A Petit Chablis with great character. 

酒精濃度/ Alcohol:12.5%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature:10~12°C

建議搭配/ Food matches:這款新鮮、年輕的白酒適合作為開胃酒及搭配海鮮,窖藏數月後,可搭配烤魚。

2014年榮獲Decanter World Wine Awards 2016:90分


酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    地處巴黎(Paris)和伯恩(Beaune)中間的夏布利(Chablis),已偃然成為通往布根地葡萄酒寶庫的門戶。坐落於瑟蘭河(River Serein)兩岸的葡萄園, 覆蓋約6,800公頃(17,000英畝)的面積,錯落於 20個大小村莊內;總計4,700公頃的產量,夏布利酒莊(La Chablisienne)獨佔約25%,且在每一個夏布利產區均有生產。

    1923年,爲了面對當時的經濟危機,許多葡萄果農在Abbé Balitrand的帶領下團結起來建立了布根地釀酒合作社。地點就位於夏布利葡萄園的中心位置,作為銷售葡萄酒的模式。到1950年代中期,合作社成員把自己的葡萄酒汁帶到夏布利酒莊(La Chablisienne)後調配,並把大部份產品批發給葡萄酒貿易商。最後,帶著建立和創建自己風格的渴望,夏布利酒莊(La Chablisienne)決定直接參與葡萄的收成以及發酵,以確保並完全控制整個葡萄酒的釀製過程。這個政策時至今日仍是夏布利酒莊(La Chablisienne)所堅持的保證。葡萄農和技術人員一同致力於生產,同時改善質量和風土的鏈接,並在葡萄園地塊,建立未來的葡萄園及葡萄酒的陳釀和窖藏。

    夏布利酒莊(La Chablisienne)延續首創精神,面對葡萄園各種挑戰,如釀造方法、人力資源和銷售…等等。這是一絲不苟的工作,聯合所有人在一起釀造葡萄酒,隨著時間的淬錬,展現真正的輝煌。

    Chablis, located in the middle of Paris and Beaune, has become a leading burgundy wine treasury portal. The vineyards located in both sides of River Serein, covering approximately (17,000 acres) of 6,800 hectares, scattered in 20 villages in size; total of 4,700 hectares of production, La Chablisienne exclusive of about 25% and in every Chablis has production areas.
    Over the years, white wines here made from Chardonnay, has won the appreciation of the extraordinary in every corner of the world.
    In 1923, in order to face the current economic crisis, many grape growers under the leadership of Abbé Balitrand unite to establish a Burgundy wine cooperatives. Place it in the center position of Chablis vineyards, as wine sales model.
    By the mid-1950s, the cooperative members brought their own wine to La Chablisienne for deployment, and the majority of products wholesale to wine traders. Finally, with the establishment and the desire to create their own style, La Chablisienne decided to participate directly in the grape harvest and fermentation, in order to ensure full control of the brewing process and the whole of the wine.
    This policy is still today La Chablisienne insisted guarantee. Grape growers and technical personnel dedicated to the production together, while improving quality and terroir links and vineyard land, build the future of aging and vineyards and wine cellars.
    La Chablisienne continuation of the pioneering spirit, the vineyards face various challenges, such as the brewing method, human resources and sales and so on. It is meticulous work, joint owner with winemaking, quenching and chain over time, to show the true glory.


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