

-單車酒廠 單車女神系列 黑皮諾紅酒
CYCLES WINERY Cycles Gladiator Pinot Noir

售價:$ 720/瓶


-單車女神系列 黑皮諾紅酒

CYCLES WINERY Cycles Gladiator Pinot Noir,
Central Coast, California, USA

產區/Region: Central Coast 

品種/Grapes: 100% Pinot Noir

酒質/Tasting Notes:這款由百分之百黑皮諾釀製的佳釀帶有可樂的醇美芳香,於橡木桶中熟成8個月(70%置於法國橡木桶,其他30%置於一般橡木桶再調合而成),饒富櫻桃、洋李的香氣伴隨著柔順的野莓、香草口感;絲綢般的單寧及均衡的酸度,餘韻悠長細緻。 This is pure Pinot Noir with signature ripe black cola and a hint of spiciness on the nose. Core flavors of cherry and plum along with silky notes of wild berries and vanilla fill the mouth while the soft, velvety tannins and balanced acidity keeps the wine suspended into the finish. Months in Barrel: 8 months. Oak: 70% New French oak, 30% neutral.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol:13.5%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature:14-18°

建議搭配/ Food matches:烤鱘魚料理(含乳酪米飯、奶油調味的紅蘿蔔及青豆的那種),或者中式蛋餅(有李子醬汁或者加宮保雞丁口味的)。Try it paired with grilled sturgeon on a bed of parmesan risotto with buttered carrots and green beans or enjoy with Chinese takeout such as egg rolls with plum sauce or Kung Pao Chicken.

得獎紀錄/Score:2007 World Wine Championships:88 points & Best Buy


酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得


    單車女神是爲慶祝19世紀末自行車發明後的那段瀰漫自由及歡愉的時光的象徵。被稱為美好的年代 – Belle Epoque。此時發展出許多顯著的發明及生活上的改良物品,腳踏車即為當時最新潮的產物。那幅曾在當時被展示的著名藝術品 - 由
    好時代 The Belle Epoque
    • 西元1871 – 1914 , 第一次大戰前 代表歐洲最美好的一段歷史, 稱為好時代 – Belle Epoque
    • 這段時期, 歐洲瀰漫著自由及歡愉的氛圍, 同時喚醒所有社會階層.
    • 藝術及詩歌由傳統轉為現代. 在巴黎,這種藝術風格特別浮現在知名的宣傳海報上.

    • 在好時代(Belle Epoque)期間, 脚踏車的發明對全球造成革命性的衝擊
    • 被視為首次有”民主”涵意,  讓人在馬與馬車的運輸中, 獲得釋放
    • 脚踏車的黃金時期在1800年代晚期達到顛峰, Cycles Gladiator - 單車女神海報也就是在這段期間創作出來的

    Cycles Gladiator symbolizes a celebration of the freedom and happiness that pervaded Europe in the late 19th century – during an era known as the Belle Epoque. This era marked many notable inventions and improvements to daily life, not the least of which was the modern bicycle, or "Le Bicycle Velocipede."

    Started in Paris in 1891 by Alexandre Darracq (an eccentric who would later become famous for manufacturing automobiles), Gladiator was one of the dozens of bicycle companies that made their way into the market when the cycling craze boomed. The golden age of cycling reached its pinnacle in 1895 – and that same year printer G. Massias unveiled one of the great Parisian art posters showcasing the stylish Gladiator bicycle. Only four of these original posters are said to be in existence today.

    The famed artwork that once showcased the stylish Cycles Gladiator now graces the bottles of our classic wines from California’s Central Coast. The mythological image of the nymph riding her winged bicycle captures the grace and uninhibited beauty of our hillside vineyards.


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