

馬德諾酒廠 格歐庭紅酒
FRANCOIS MARTENOT Gevrey-Chambertin "Les Griottines"

原價:$ 2100/瓶

FRANCOIS MARTENOT Gevrey-Chambertin "Les Griottines",AOC-Gevrey-Chambertin, Burgundy, France


品種/Grapes:100% Pinot Noir

酒質/Tasting Notes:鮮明的紅寶石色澤,陳年後將逐漸轉為深洋紅色。馥郁的草莓果香及玫瑰花香,隱約浮現愉悅的烤土司、皮革及灌木氣息,陳年後將呈現些許野味。單寧如天鵝絨般圓滑柔順,結構細緻優雅,酒體醇厚圓熟,尾韻悠長雅緻令人驚艷。年輕時果香揚溢,並有數十年以上陳年實力。
The Gevrey Chambertin « Les Griottines » is high in colour, with an intense aromatic expression evoking small red fruits, animal notes turning to liquorice with age. This powerful wine combines its tannin with an abundant mellow and a good acidity.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol:

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature:15-16°C

建議搭配/ Food matches: 適合搭配肉類佳餚,尤其是牛排或燉煮的羊排,與豐富纖維質的內類在口中花一點時間,即可將葡萄酒細緻的單寧及香氣萃取出來。另外,可搭配重口味的乳酪,特別是 Ami du Chambertin (地方名產)。
The Gevrey is the ideal wine for musky solidly fibrous meats (games, beef). It is at ease with strong cheeses, particularly Epoisses and Ami du Chambertin.



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    馬德諾酒莊的歷史可溯及 19 世紀,當路西昂‧馬德諾 (Lucien Martenot) 接管這座位於薩維尼-伯恩 (Savigny-les-Beaune) 約 10 公頃大的莊園。這座莊園於 1859 年,由梧玖莊園古堡 (Château du Clos Vougeot) 唯一的擁有者利昂斯‧波貴 (Léonce Bocquet) 所建造,其被譽為勃艮第葡萄酒與文化遺產熱情的守護者。
    他的女兒,夏洛特Martenot,深具女性魅力,確實保證這家公司的名望繼續進展的監督。因此,經過幾代人,Maison François Martenot,其著名的創始人暨繼承人,已擴大其活動遍佈所有的勃艮第薄酒來產區。


    The history of Maison François Martenot dates back to the beginning of the 20th century when Lucien Gustave Martenot acquired a domain of 10ha in Savigny-les- Beaune. This domain has been created in 1859 by Léonce Bocquet, then sole owner of the Château du Clos Vougeot, and fervent defender of Burgundy and its cultural heritage.

    His daughter, Charlotte Martenot, with a radiant feminine charisma, did secure the supervision of this company whose fame went on progressing. Thus, through generations, Maison François Martenot, worthy heiress of its renowned founders, has extended its activities to all the appellations from Burgundy to Beaujolais.

    Today, our wines are distributed in many countries through importers, wineshops, restaurants, and also through chain stores or department stores.


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