-威尼托 伐坡里契拉 瓦潘提納山谷產區 I.G.T
BERTANI Secco Bertani Original Vintage Edition,
Valpantena Valley I.G.T,Veneto, Italy
Valpantena Valley
80% Corvina, 10% Sangiovese Grosso, 5% syrah, 5% Cabernet Sauvignon.
酒質/Tasting Notes:
老人與海 – 海明威與Bertani紅酒的邂逅
1949年間,老人與海的作者,也是諾貝爾文學獎的得主,厄尼斯特海明威,到義大利威尼斯來找靈感,住在威尼斯大運河Canal Grand旁有名的飯店Gritti Palace. 居住期間要求飯店每天送一瓶同樣的紅酒到房間,不過他總是不在房內,所以服務生並不知道這房間住著是一位世界有名的文學家。一個月後的某天,服務生遇到了海明威,詢問他為什麼每天都要喝同一款的紅酒,海明威說這款酒給他寫作的靈感。
1950年,海明威出了一本長篇小說,叫做Across the River and into the Trees,中文翻譯為”渡河入林”,這本小說的背景設在美國南北戰爭,描述一位上校與義大利姑娘的愛情故事。這本書出版後得到許多評論家們毒惡的評語,有人甚至認為他已經江郎才盡。此時的海明威,居住在古巴,開始著作一本小說,1952年,他出了”老人與海”,簡明直接的寫作風格得到眾多評論家的讚賞。1953年,他以這本書得到普立茲獎,1954年再以獨特寫作風格影響當代文學的理由,得到諾貝爾文學獎。
若干年後,某位來自澳洲的訪客,來到Bertani酒莊,提到他的祖父曾經在威尼斯的Gritti Palace工作20年,有一次被經理要求每天送一瓶Bertani的紅酒Secco Bertani到某人的房間有一個月之久,這段時間都沒有遇到房客,之後某天看到房客後,才知道原來是海明威住在這裡。海明威說他喝這一瓶酒後會有寫作靈感。
西可﹣貝塔尼"復古版"(Vintage Edition)是貝塔尼酒廠的獻禮,作為部份集體意識的記憶,從過去的感動、情緒及想法豐富了現在的靈感。這是一個重新找回過去時光及一貫風格的機會。
Secco Bertani Original Vintage Edition is an homage to a memory that has entered our collective mythology, signifying sensations, emotions, and ways of thinking from the past that are capable of enriching the present. The history of Secco-Bertani begins with the story of the winery itself, in 1857. In the archives of the Chamber of Commerce of Verona is a copy of an historical document that attests to world-wide distribution, already by 1888, of Bertani Valpolicella Valpantena, ranking it among the best examples of Italian wine. Secco-Bertani created the style of wine in Verona, using the best techniques of the era and the best grapes available. To commemorate and highlight the historical, enological and stylistic importance of this wine, we decided to create a “Vintage Edition”, reviving the original spirit of its tradition for a true innovation that respects the recipe, style and taste of long ago. The antique recipe called for the wine to be produced using 80% of grapes native to the zone, those coming from vineyards on the hills that surround the historical headquarters, with the addition of 20% of other varieties, as in 1889.
A ruby-red colour with garnet highlights and a richly aromatic nose, with intense notes of fruit jam and spices. The palate is full-bodied, firmly structured and rich.
酒精濃度/ Alcohol:
適飲溫度/ Serving temperature:
建議搭配/ Food matches:
Secco Bertani,Bertani酒莊的首款紅酒佳釀,自1870年就開始釀造至今,20世紀初得到義大利皇家認可的義大利國家代表商品標章