

葵莎酒廠 限定版 一號賞 希哈 紅酒
QUASAR Signo 1 Syrah

售價:$ 3200/瓶


-限定版 一號賞 希哈 紅酒 (限量1100瓶) 

QUASAR Signo 1 Syrah,
Maipo Vally, Chile
(Limited Production of 1100 botles.)

產區/Region:Central Valley

品種/Grapes:90% Syrah, 10% Cabernet Sauvignon

酒質/Tasting Notes:在25~28º C的溫控下,於12,000 公升開放式不鏽鋼槽中發酵及乾燥10天,浸皮時間比一般增長10~15天。100%乳酸發酵。於225公升法國橡木桶中陳年24個月。
Ruby color. Aromas of black currant, black cherry, garden soil, and vanilla with a velvety, dry body and a warming, medium-long, blackberry, grilled cherry, cigar box, and vanilla bean finish with medium tannins and moderate oak. New world Bordeaux in style with voluptuous fruit, silky tannins and a great finish.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol:14.5 %

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 18 - 20°C

建議搭配/ Food matches: 



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    位於中央山谷區的古利谷谷地,依自然景觀分成三大範圍: 安地斯山脈,中央平原以及海岸山脈。 葡萄園主要是集中在中央平原上及海岸山脈。此區為半濕潤地中海型氣候,受太平洋高氣壓之影響。由於19 世紀末歐洲的葡萄根芽蟲害事件,導致許多法國、義大利和西班牙的酒學家和技術專家紛紛出走至北美洲及南美洲,其中許多人選擇了擁有釀酒地形、氣候適當的智利落腳。1851年間,許多法國釀酒品種被帶來智利,包括卡本內蘇維翁(Cabernet Sauvignon)、葛特(Cot)瑪貝(Malbec)梅洛(Merlot)希哈(syrah)、灰比諾(Pinot Noir)、白蘇維翁(Sauvignon Blanc)、謝密雍(Semillon)和麗絲玲(Riesling)。 智利的大葡萄園是這些高貴品種的後代,不但逃過葡萄瘟疫,也是全世界僅存的原法國根枝。還有智利土生土長的原生品種卡門涅爾(Carmenere) ,如同它的國度文化背景,口味豐富多元性複雜狂野。

    Quasars are astronomical sources of electromagnetic energy,including radio waves and visible light. They are the mostdistant energetic objects ever observed and thought to be theactive nucleus of young galaxies.Quasars are believed to produce their energy from massive blackholes in the center of the galaxies in which the quasars are located.Despite their brightness,due to their great distance from Earth,no quasars can be seen with an unaided eye.
    They are celesitial objects that emit more energy than hundredsof galaxies and are a trillion times brighter that the Sun. BecauseQuasars are so bright,they drown out the light from all the other stars,just as Quasar Wines.


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