
嘉德酒莊 傳統系列不甜香檳
GARDET Brut Tradition

售價:$ 2220/瓶Bottle

-AC香檳區 希尼萊羅塞產區
-傳統系列不甜香檳 NV
GARDET Brut Tradition,
AC-Chigny-les-Roses, Champagne, France NV

Chigny-les-Roses, Champagne, France
45% Pinot Noir, 45% Meunier, 10% Chardonnay

酒質/Tasting Notes:
Thanks to a meticulous selection of quality grapes, this Champagne is a model non-vintage Brut.
It is emblematic of Champagne Gardet, with the savoir-faire to preserve its style and maintain the mark left by the history of the House.

Brut Tradition is a “non-vintage”, the House’s know-how consists in offering a constant style and quality by reaching the perfect balance between the year’s wines and a collection of reserve wines kept for this purpose.

About 70% of the blend. We are generally about 4 years after the main harvest of a Brut Tradition available for sale today.   About 30% of the blend. They are mainly from the 3 years preceding the base harvest, but some can be older.

Honey gold yellow. With character, open. Hints of chalk, fruit, and toasted notes.  White stone fruits, dominating  freshness with some minerality. Soft and supple from the
Meuniers and directness from the Pinots Noirs. A fine   balance of aroma, taste and long finish.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature:

建議搭配/ Food matches:
適合獨飲亦可作開胃酒或雞尾酒。Suitable for drinking alone or can make an aperitif or cocktail. 

榮獲Wine Spectator:91分
2014 日本航空機上用酒
2015 達美航空/維真航空/日本航空機上用酒
2020 Decanter Magazine:91分
2021 Guia Melendo del Champagne:91分 

酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    嘉德酒莊 GARDET 
    19世紀末期,富有冒險精神的成功商人查理˙嘉德在Epernay創立了自己的品牌,1930年,其子喬治˙嘉德將酒莊遷至施尼-玫瑰村莊的Belle Epoque住宅中,繼續致力發展嘉德香檳品牌,堅持遵循香檳釀造的規則:精選優質葡萄,釀造頂級葡萄酒。

    1961年,身為園藝工作者的Jean Prieux創立了Prieux公司, 很快地,公司成為了香檳地區園並領軍企業Christophe PRIEUX。

    Late 19th century, the adventurous successful businessman Charlie Gradet created its own brand in Epernay, in 1930, his son George moved the winery to Belle Epoque’s residence, continued to develop Gradet champagne brand, adhered to follow the rules of champagne breswing: selection of high quality grapes and make the top wines.

    Chigny-les-Roses Village-Cradle of Gradet champagne
    Chigny-les-Roses Village is located in the Hanns mountains, and the vineyards have been listed as first class.  Gradet winery has been settled down here since 1930. The villages have been surrounded by vineyards, and  the vineyards planted with roses trees as natural barrier.
    In 1961, as a horticultural worker Jean Prieux founded the company Prieux, and soon, the company became a leader in the Champagne region and lead business of Christophe PRIEUX.
    In 1988, the first Jardiland (gardening Island) is completed, followed by gradually opening new branches.
    2004, Prieux Group still rooted in the Hanns city and bought Ployez-Jacquemart champagne houses.
    2007 acquisition of Gradet winery.


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