

達希傑酒莊 初見斑鶇 大蒙仙甜白酒
TARIQUET "Les Premieres Grives"

售價:$ 1190/瓶



法國-西南 加斯科涅丘產區-達希傑酒莊
-初見斑鶇 大蒙仙甜白酒

TARIQUET "Les Premieres Grives"
VDP-Cotes de Gascogne, Sud-Ouest, France

產區/Region:VDP-Cotes de Gascogne, Sud-Ouest

品種/Grapes:100% Gros Manseng

酒質/Tasting Notes:在加斯科涅丘地區,冬季的開端,葡萄園裡出現首批抵達斑鶇的蹤影,似乎一同在分享著豐收的喜悅。

大蒙仙(Gros Manseng)是法國西南的特有葡萄品種,在晚秋收穫葡萄,成熟的葡萄釀造出帶著優雅果香的葡萄酒,充滿豐富熱帶水果的氣息。適時的晚收作法讓酸度與甜度達到完美均衡,香味細緻而高雅,口感飽滿,清新有力,甜而不膩。

In Gascony, the onset of winter heralds the arrival of the first thrushes (‘premières grives’), eager for their share
of the season’s pickings. Harvested in late autumn,
mature grapes packed with sweetness and pleasure produce an elegant wine, with fine typicity. Great fullness on the palate, with delicious tropical flavours, sustained by freshness. Balanced sweetness leads to fresh grapes
on the finish - an instant delight.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol:11 %

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 12-16℃

建議搭配/ Food matches: 適合作為開胃酒,也可以搭配鵝肝、白肉類料理以及藍紋乳酪,更是甜點的最佳搭檔

Serve chilled, as an aperitif or with a meal. Excellent with foie gras, white meat or soft cheese.



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    達希捷酒廠 Domaine Du Tariquet 

    1912年,達希傑家族建立了葡萄園與酒莊。最早是由海倫和皮埃爾開始了葡萄酒種植,當時是為了釀造他們喜愛的雅瑪邑。接下來,他們的孩子們馬伊提和依維斯繼承了衣缽,第三代-依維斯的孩子也加入進來。如今他們共同管理著達希傑酒莊,成立了穩定的家族企業。達希傑酒莊擁有接近一千公頃的葡萄園,他們釀造的達希傑白葡萄酒和雅馬邑酒贏得了廣泛盛讚。可以說達希傑的成就是辛勤工作的結果,源自於對葡萄樹和一切有關葡萄酒的事物的奉獻和尊重。孕育了達希傑葡萄園的土壤是優質葡萄酒的關鍵因素。地區的溫度氣候也扮演著不可或缺的角色,八月中旬的溫暖的白天和涼爽的夜晚賦予了葡萄酒充分的香氣。然而專業的釀造技術仍然是最關鍵的因素之一。實質上,達希傑葡萄酒和雅瑪邑之所以榮獲了聲譽和國際大獎,釀酒師是最重要的一環。依維斯‧格拉薩(Yves Grassa),這個享譽了全球的加斯科涅丘地區(Gascogne)葡萄酒的釀造者,25年前打破了傳統的釀造方法,他推出新的理念,白葡萄酒應該有清新活潑,優雅果香的特點。他是第一個在這個地區種植夏多內,長相思的人,而在那個時代,這些葡萄品種還是遠遠不受歡迎的。更糟糕的是,他大膽的設想將兩個不同的葡萄品種結合釀造葡萄酒,例如,夏多內和長相思,或者夏多內和白梢楠。達希傑這個品牌是思考和革新的結果;是持續努力和提高的產物。無論是在葡萄園還是在酒窖中,只有真正的釀酒師才能在他的葡萄園釀造出優質的葡萄酒。
    基於他叛逆的性格,依維斯‧格拉薩(Yves Grassa) 向傳統葡萄酒的釀造方式發出挑戰,最終由於他的辛勤工作,在1987年被評選為年度最佳釀酒師。

    Young Artaud was a bear tamer by trade.Returning to France in 1912, he saw the Tariquet and instantly fell in love with the area. He therefore turned to his son, Jean Pierre, who had stayed in New York and had married Pauline, also from Ariege. Jean Pierre worked as a bartender, mixing elegant cocktails in a popular bar in town… Together, father and son bought the Tariquet wine estate. As most of the vines had been destroyed by phylloxera, all that was left were seven hectares of vineyards in a sorry state…
    Pierre Grassa was born in France to Spanish parents from the Sierra de Guara, just the other side of the Pyrenees… 1939  In Eauze the Tariquet, where he met Helene,They get married and together bring a new lease of life to the Tariquet. The chateau and property need restoring to their former glory - they are in love and unafraid of the challenge, and they set to work at once. Soon Tariquet’s vineyards are once again producing Bas-Armagnac brandies. They have four children, Maite, Christiane, Francoise and Yves. Maite and Yves choose to remain on the property and continue the family tradition.

    In 1972 they create their first company with their father, boosting sales of Bas-Armagnac brandies produced at the property… In 1982, they start producing quality white wines, a pioneering step for the region…
    Cultivating tradition Le Tariquet has been the cradle of an entire family since 1912. First of all, the home of Hélène and Pierre Grassa, who began the tradition with their love of fine Armagnac. Then, the home of their children Maïté and Yves, both fervent winemakers, who have now been joined by Yves’ sons, Armin and Rémy, the third generation of winegrowers in the family. Together they manage the Tariquet estate, which has always remained an independent and, now more than ever, family-owned company. They run the property with an eye on the future and have built a business that is well placed to meet market demand. With close to a thousand hectares of land, they produce Tariquet white wines and Bas-Armagnac brandies that have won international acclaim. One might presume that Tariquet’s success is simply the result of hard work, dedication and respect for the vine and all things vinous. Yet the small region of Gascony known as the Gers, famed for its Armagnac and quality of life, is also a bastion of Gascon grapes and terroir, where differences are cultivated with a touch of reasoned rebelliousness. 
    Breaking the rules The soil that nourishes the Tariquet vineyards is key to the essence of our wine. The region’s temperate climate also plays a crucial role, its mid-August warm days and cool nights encouraging the development of aromatic precursors Yet an expert touch is required to make the most of such favourable conditions. The fact that Tariquet wines and Bas-Armagnacs brandies have been acclaimed with the best of their class is due largely to the boldness of one man. Yves Grassa, now an internationally renowned winemaker from Gascony, began 25 years ago by breaking the rules of traditional winemaking, proposing white wines that were consistently characterised by a fresh finesse and fruity elegance.She was the first in the region to dare to plant chardonnay, sauvignon or chenin grapes, which were far from popular in those days. Worse still, he conjured up combinations of sworn enemies such as chardonnay with sauvignon, or chenin with chardonnay. The Tariquet brand was born of ontemplation, rebellion and reason, followed by continuous observation and improvement. Both in the vineyard, and in the wine cellar, as only a true winemaker makes wine in the midst of his vineyard. Defying his detractors, Yves Grassa took on the challenge of producing white wine and was duly rewarded for his work by being selected as Winemaker of The Year in 1987. 


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