

坎帕羅拉酒莊 阿瑪羅尼紅酒
CAMPAGNOLA Amarone Classico della Valpolicella

售價:$ 1600/瓶



義大利-坎帕羅拉酒莊-威尼托 伐坡里契拉產區D.O.C.

Amarone Classico della Valpolicella,
Valpolicella D.O.C., Italy 

產區/Region: Valpolicella D.O.C.

品種/Grapes: Corvinone Veronese 50%, Rondinella 50%

酒質/Tasting Notes: Amarone義大利語原意為—苦澀的。Corvina(葡萄品種:科維納)普遍生長於義大利,高品質的Corvina所釀出的酒會散發一股柔和的水果/杏仁香氣,酒體豐滿強勁有力,堪稱Veneto區最富表現力的主要品種。深紅石榴色澤,香氣優雅細緻,口感不甜,如絲質般順滑,酒體飽滿濃郁多層次,餘味有青杏仁的香氣,醒酒數小時後以大型酒杯品嚐更能表現其風味,可陳年10年,開瓶前2小時醒酒尤佳。
Corvina is an Italian wine grape variety that is sometimes also referred to as Corvina Veronese or Cruina. It is mainly grown in the Veneto region of northeast Italy. Corvina is used with several other grapes to create the light red regional wines Bardolino and Valpolicella that have a mild fruity flavor with hints of almond. These blends include Rondinella, Molinara (and Rossignola for the latter wine). It is also used for the production of Amarone and Recioto. In Valpolicella, Corvina generally makes up to 70% of the blend. It is also used, at a minimum level of 85%, to make the Garda Corvina DOC.Deep ruby red color. delicate ethereal bouquet. Intense red garnet color. Fine ethereal, fragrant bouquet. Dry full complex and velvet smooth. Rich superb noble warm on palate with aftertaste of green almond. In large glass and uncork a few hours before opening.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 13.35%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 16~20℃

建議搭配/ Food matches: 非常適合搭配紅肉類料理、野味及起士。 Perfect with red meats, games, cheeses.




酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    坎帕羅拉酒莊CAMPAGNOLA S.P.A

    創建於1886年,在多年努力後於1907年首度獲得國際大賽之金牌獎。到今天坎帕羅拉酒莊已有四代之歷史傳承,堪稱威尼托產區的巨人,一直都在義大利最著名的葡萄產區之一伐坡里契拉 (VALPOLICELLA),兢兢業業於葡萄栽種釀製之工作。酒莊一直以挑選最佳葡萄為職責,莊園內的葡萄藤歷史都很悠久;儲存葡萄酒之酒窖亦然,有些於1900年中期即已興建,長期扮演守護葡萄酒之神聖任務。
          釀酒哲學:葡萄精選後,即送入酒莊具歷史的Valgatara 地窖,使用最現代和最先進的設備釀造,於原始的大理石地下地窖裡,紅酒特別陳放在斯拉沃尼亞橡木桶中,忠於對當地自然環境與人文歷史的無上尊敬。為了釀製阿瑪羅尼紅酒,還特別設了一個現代酒坊。這家酒坊 (以Fruttaio為名) 被創造能在最適宜的衛生環境下,濕氣水氣全程控制,以完成傳統釀造,提升果實的特殊個性,以表達葡萄酒的最好口味。

          The Campagnola winery, a family-managed activity for four generations & Venetian giant, is situated in Valgatara, in the small town of Marano di Valpolicella, centre of the Classic Valpolicella zone and turns out more than three million bottles per annum. Carlo Campagnola founded the winery in 1886 and in 1907 he received his first official award (and the oldest official document) with a gold medal for the best “reccioto” wine at the “Mostra Campionaria di Verona”.
         The company has a modern factory for the processing of the grapes of Amarone. This factory (known as the Fruttaio) was created to achieve a traditional operation in conditions of optimum hygiene. Careful control of humidity levels, using the most modern methods, allows us to obtain grapes free from mould which may cause undesired flavours within the wine. In addition, the perfection of the grapes is reflected in an enhancement of the peculiar characteristics of the fruit, allowing the wine to express its maximum flavours.


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