

朗科集團 “道格拉斯山丘”不甜氣泡酒
BRONCO Douglass Hill Brut

售價:$ 580/瓶Bottle



-“道格拉斯山丘”不甜氣泡酒 NV

BRONCO Douglass Hill Brut,
California, USA NV


品種/Grapes: 71% Chardonnay, 21% French Colombard, 8% Mixed Whites

酒質/Tasting Notes:麥桿般亮眼的淺黃色,具有麥類、酵母、蘋果、水梨及萊姆般複雜且雅逸的香氛氣味。細緻的汽泡感讓果香盈繞充滿整個口腔,也使得尾韻更純淨及優雅細緻。。是款令人輕鬆享用及感受愉悅的汽泡酒。

“This is a pleasant and enjoyable sparkling wine with aromas of wheat, yeast, apple, pear and lime. Capture the fruity flavors on the palate and enjoy the tiny bubbles as they help create a clean and elegant finish.”

酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 12%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 8-12°

建議搭配/ Food matches:可與任何種類的開胃菜搭配,與各式乳酪搭配也非常適合




酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    布朗科集團 BRONCO

        BRONCO葡萄酒公司創立於1974年,目前在美國加州擁有超過一萬六千公頃的葡萄園,葡萄園均座落於各知名如那帕河谷(Napa Valley)、索諾馬河谷(Sonoma Valley)及中央河谷(Central Valley)等重要的產區,是美國擁有葡萄園面積最多也是規模前五大的酒廠之一。Dona Sol Winery及Douglass Hill Winery是BRONCO葡萄酒公司旗下最為重要的品牌之一,以優質的葡萄結合精良的技術釀造出各款物超所值的葡萄酒,符合現代消費者日常飲用的需求。

    We are committed to growing, producing and selling the finest quality wines of the highest value to our customers.Bronco diverse family of brands are sold in over 65 countries worldwide in addition to being distributed throughout the United States. Bronco Wine Company has become a major varietal wine source to the California wine industry and is currently recognized as the fourth largest winery in the United States. Our quest for quality begins with vineyard development and continues to grow into areas such as premium bulk wine contracts, research and development, brand development, marketing and distribution.  Bronco is also a major custom bottler for several national wineries.


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