

迪伯多利酒莊 迪比系列 喜若卡本內蘇維濃紅酒
DE BORTOLI dB Shiraz Cabernet

原價:$ 500/瓶



-迪比系列 喜若卡本內蘇維濃紅酒

DE BORTOLI dB Shiraz Cabernet,
South Eastern, Australia 

產區/Region:South Eastern

品種/Grapes: 74% Shiraz, 26% Cabernet Sauvignon

酒質/Tasting Notes:  由釀酒師親自挑選香氣與口感都最臻成熟狀態的葡萄所釀製而成。混合卡本內‧蘇維翁和希拉茲兩種葡萄品種釀製出酒體適中的葡萄酒。此款酒在美國與法國橡木桶中熟成,柔順的橡木桶風味與柔軟的單寧,與卡本內蘇維翁帶來的濃郁漿果風味和希拉茲的辛香風味相互調和,造就出風格強勁卻也柔軟順口的宜人風味。

Rich, smooth and a little bit spicy. Ripe red fruits, plum and blackcurrant, with spice and some vanillin oak.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 13.5%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 16~20℃

建議搭配/ Food matches: 與一般紅肉料理、義大利麵,皆可產生和諧的搭配。

Slow cooked meats, steak, pizza. Or scan the QR code for a great recipe idea.



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    迪伯多利酒莊 DE BORTOLI 

         酒廠創始人Vittorio De Bortoli於1924年從他的家鄉義大利遠渡崇洋來到了荒無人跡的澳洲,其目的只有一個:希望澳洲這塊新興地能帶給他的家人溫飽。到達澳洲後Vittorio用身上唯一的十先令搭火車到了新南威爾斯的Riverina尋找工作,但當時的農場主人付不出薪資,所以Vittorio只能不斷的換農場工作,並曾經在Jones Winery即現今的McWilliams Beelbangera Winery工作,這也許就是創立酒廠的起因。到了1927年Vittorio存到足夠的錢購買了第一塊55英畝的葡萄園,並將他的妻子Giuseppina接到澳洲來,至此De Bortoli王朝正式成立。
        De Bortoli早期是以釀製餐酒為主,由於多數的歐洲移民都有習慣喝餐酒,所以Vittorio大量生產餐酒。在葡萄採收期,大量的義大利勞工從昆士蘭的罐頭切工廠來到莊園幫忙採收並交換訊息,這些義大利勞工鼓勵他生產屬於自己的品牌,並要求他將產品寄到昆士蘭,由於這項建議,Vittorio開始將葡萄酒運往昆士蘭和新南威爾斯北部。De Bortoli家族的名言是:一分的天賦,九分的努力。一個禮拜六天的辛勤工作只為了在星期日的休息中能好好享受品嚐De Bortoli葡萄酒的香醇。經過經濟大蕭條以及二次世界大戰的戰俘營後,De Bortoli酒廠僥倖存活,至此之後,Vittorio積極的計畫培養他的兒子從事釀酒事業,並在雪梨設立配送業務。
       今天De Bortoli葡萄酒的事業已擴展到全世界52個國家,1億2千萬澳幣的年收入,並在雪梨、墨爾本、里斯本等各地成立分公司,更是全澳洲最大的家族釀酒廠,如此的規模真正表現出De Bortoli家族的至理名言。
    De Bortoli Wines is a third generation family wine company established by Vittorio and Giuseppina De Bortoli in 1928. The couple emigrated to Australia from Northern Italy, from mountain villages at the foothills of the Italian Alps, near the historic town of Asolo.
    Their son, the energetic and dynamic Deen De Bortoli, (b 1936 – d 2003) expanded and consolidated the business created by his parents. Deen's children established De Bortoli's reputation for premium wine including icon dessert wine Noble One and the Yarra Valley wines.
    Italian family values passed down from Vittorio remain core values, there is a culture of hard work, generosity of spirit and of sharing good food, good wine and good times with family and friends.
    Below is a video of the De Bortoli family taken as part of the Australia's First Families of Wine joint marketing initiative which involves some of Australia's oldest and most respected wine families.


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