

湯瑪士酒莊 “勒普內葡萄園”梅洛紅酒
TOMMASI “Le Prunee” Merlot

售價:$ 890/瓶



義大利- -湯瑪士酒莊
威尼托 經典伐坡里契拉 威尼斯產區I.G.T.

- “勒普內葡萄園”梅洛紅酒 
TOMMASI “Le Prunee” Merlot,
I.G.T. delle Venezie, Valpolicella Classico, Veneto, Italy 

產區/Region:Valpolicella Classico

品種/Grapes:Merlot 100%

酒質/Tasting Notes:TOMMASI除了堅守經典傳統外,同時注重精益求精的革新遠景;因此特別在其在Valpolicella Classica產區的規劃出一處葡萄園(名為Le Prunée),採量少質精的原則釀造極為精緻的品項( 2001年獲選值得購買的義大利酒前100名內)。於斯拉夫尼亞橡木桶(650公升)中陳年12個月,暗紅寶石色澤:巧克力,草莓味,卡布其諾咖啡風味,酒體中等,含柔順的單寧及餘韻留長的氛香。
Deep ruby red color. delicate ethereal bouquet.Always keeping a careful eye on tradition while ever ready to accept innovation, the Tommasi family has planted a vineyard composed entirely of MERLOT grapes, in the heart of its newest fields in the Valpolicella Classica region. Called LE PRUNÉE, its vines have been subjected to close planting and the severest pruning, resulting in an extremely low yield of extraordinary richness. 12 months in Slavonian oak barrels of 65 hectolitres. Deep ruby red. Chocolate, berry and cappuccino flavours. Medium-bodied, with soft tannins and a long, flavourful finish.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 12.5%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 16-18 °C

建議搭配/ Food matches:建議可於開胃菜時佐以有肉汁的食材、白肉料理或新鮮乳酪。

First courses with meat sauces, white meats, fresh cheeses.

得獎紀錄/Score:Wine Access :85 rating / punti




酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    湯瑪士酒廠  Tommasi Viticoltori

    義大利湯瑪士酒廠TOMMASI Viticoltori 是家族企業,起始於1902年。位在義大利維洛那(Verona)西北方的Piedmonte,是經典Valpolicella產區的心臟地帶。莊園目前正由家族第四代經營管理著,六個人各司其職、和諧的工作著。TOMMASI Viticoltori擁有Bardolino、Custoza、Soave和Lugana這四個高品質的DOC產區。除此之外,更因其無與倫比的產自於經典Valpolicella地區的紅酒(Amarone Classico, Valpolicella Classico Superiore - Ripasso -Recioto della Valpolicella)而受到讚揚。TOMMASI目前已是Valpolicella屬一屬二知名酒莊,在Verona擁有超過135公頃DOC法定葡萄酒產區及南托斯卡尼的66公頃產區(Maremma),出口至全世界像歐洲、美國、拉丁美洲及非洲等國家。
    Tommasi Viticoltori (Tommasi vintners) is a family viticulture firm founded in 1902. It is situated in Pedemonte, in the heart of Valpolicella Classico region, a small piece of land in the North - West part of Verona, between the plain and Lessini mountains and near Garda lake. The family owns exceptionally well situated estates for the production of high quality wines in the D.O.C. regions of Bardolino, Custozak, Soave and Lugana. Above all else, Tommasi is principally acclaimed for its incomparable red wines of the Valpolicella Classico region: Amarone Classico, Valpolicella Classico Superiore, nand Recioto della Valpolicella, whose characteristics make them unique in the world. From grandfather Giacomo’s tiny vineyard, the Tommasi estate has grown steadily over the course of years and today extends over 135 hectares of vineyard in the DOC wine areas of Verona and 66 hectares in Maremma, south of Tuscany. One of Valpolicella’s biggest names, Tommasi’s wines are exported to countries throughout the globe in Europe, North and South America, Asia, and Africa


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