

西隆酒莊 英克洛貴腐甜白酒
CHATEAU DE CERONS Grand Enclos Liquoreux

售價:$ 2100/瓶

CHATEAU DE CERONS Grand Enclos Liquoreux, AOC-Cerons, France 

產區/Region:Cérons 西隆

品種/Grapes:100% Semillon

酒質/Tasting Notes:明亮活潑的稻草色澤透著閃亮誘人的金黃色,典型的年輕甜酒色澤。饒富異國鳳梨、糖漬水果及蜂蜜香氣,接著浮現優雅的香草氣息。馥郁多汁且活潑優雅的酒質,讓味蕾呈現完美均衡的口感,醇厚的酒體將木桶陳年的香草氣息層層包裹,餘韻在口中悠遠細長。這款悠雅細緻的甜酒具有數十年陳年的實力。
Bright and lively straw color reveals shiny attractive golden yellow color typical of young wine. Memorable exotic pineapple, candied fruit and honey aromas, followed by an elegant vanilla emerge. Juicy and lively fragrance and elegant wine quality, so that presents a perfect balance of taste buds, full-bodied wine will be aged in barrels wrapped in layers of vanilla flavor, aftertaste in the mouth distant slender. This leisurely elegant wine with decades of careful aging strength.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol:13%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 12°C

建議搭配/ Food matches: 適合搭配著名的”肥鵝(鴨)肝”料理,烤橙鴨或是味道較重的乳酪(如藍黴乳酪),熱帶水果以及黑巧克力蛋糕。
Suitable with the famous "fat goose (duck) liver" dishes, roast orange duck or heavier taste cheese (such as blue mold cheese), tropical fruits and dark chocolate cake.



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    西隆酒莊(Le Grand Enclos Du Chateau De Cerons)座落在西隆村(Cerons)的中心,也是格拉夫產區(Graves)的心臟位置,距離生產貴腐甜白酒聞名的索甸村(Sauternes)僅數公里之遠。追溯至1875年,這座大農莊四周被3公尺高的圍牆環伺,並圍繞著10公頃的葡萄園。此外,酒莊也在壯麗的波田沙克(Podensac)高原栽種15公頃的葡萄。
    2000年4月,Giorgio Cavanna接管西隆酒莊,他在義大利同時擁有被譽為托斯卡尼(Tuscany)最美麗莊園之一的-阿曼古堡(The Castello di Ama),生產細緻的經典奇揚提紅酒(Chianti Classico)。這位波爾多產區葡萄酒的愛好者追求的目標為:探索風土條件無限的潛能,以釀製卓越品質的葡萄酒(紅酒,白酒及甜酒)。對質的要求源自於葡萄藤,每年人工修薄葉片,以手工採摘葡萄並來回數趟以期釀製清新的白酒及香氣迷人的甜酒。Giorgio也更新所有的儲存室,擴展並現代化傳統精緻的釀酒設備,專注每個生產的小細節。

    Le Grand Enclos Du Chateau De Cerons is located in the center of the Cerons, as well as Graves’s heart, only a few kilometers away from Sautemes where is famous for the production of Grand Enclos Liquoreux. Dating back to 1875, this large farm surrounded by three-meter-high wall camouflage and surrounded by 10 hectares of vineyards. In addition, the winery also in the magnificent Podensac planted 15 hectares of grapes.
    April 2000, Giorgio Cavanna took over the winery, he also has one known as Tuscany the most beautiful estates in Italy - The Castello di Ama, the production of fine classic Chianti Classico. The lovers goal for Bordeaux wines: Exploring terroir unlimited potential to brew excellent quality wines (red wine, white wine and liqueur). Confrontation requirement stems from the vines, artificial cultivation of thin blades a year to hand-picked grapes and forth several times to fresh brewed liquor and wine aroma attractive. Giorgio also update all of the storage room to expand and modernize the traditional fine wine equipment, specializing in the small details of each production.


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