***專業葡萄酒線上暢貨館 Professional On-Line Wine Outlet***
***品味生活、超值擁有 Enjoy your life with valuable wines and superb prices.***
【Angels Share-暢貨館 Wine Outlet】葡萄酒線上虛擬賣場
<<會員制/餐飲通路 批發免運 Membership & Wholesale & Free Delivery>>
Angels Share暢貨館採「會員(實名)制、批發式、免運」方式提供會員/各型餐飲購物即享批發優惠價格,歡迎利用 LINE官方帳號線上客服https://reul.cc/Ad6mme尋(詢)酒、詢價,您需加入成為會員並以成箱方式訂購,依購物數量多寡並可享有會員「品味價」、「團購價」、「批發價」等會員優惠價格,「專業諮詢與服務、批發價格、快速且免費宅配到府」服務,滿足您各種場合所需的醇酒佳釀,並豐富您的生活品味。
➡立即註冊成為「Angels Share暢貨館」會員 https://reurl.cc/Q6XdA0 享「買越多、越便宜、天天都特價!」會員優惠!
"Angels Share Wine Outlet" is an on-line service LINE https://reul.cc/Ad6mme to provide you the most valuable wines with "the outlet prices, importer's quality assurance, professional consultant and quick & free delivery service" to satisfy all your needs and tastes in daily life.
*On-Line Inquiry Service LINE
Official Account : WINES-->「Angels Share 葡萄酒專賣 https://lin.ee/Qhb5gnH 」
SPIRITS-->「Angels Share 烈酒通 https://lin.ee/oec6DEX 」
F&B, reatil and wholesaler 「Angels Share「通路客戶」客服 https://lin.ee/5OoNPTt 」
Sign As A Member http://www.angelsshare.com.tw/member_join.php