

恰美薩酒廠 馬球特選系列卡本內蘇維濃紅酒
FINCA LA CHAMIZA Polo Profesional Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon

售價:$ 680/瓶



-馬球特選系列 卡本內蘇維濃紅酒

FINCA LA CHAMIZA Polo Profesional Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon,
Mendoza, Argentina


品種/Grapes: 100% Cabernet Sauvignon

酒質/Tasting Notes:深紅寶石色澤,豐富的黑莓漿果香,混合了胡椒與淡淡煙燻氣味,展現多層次的口感,單寧圓潤美好,尾韻高雅綿長,猶如翩翩風采的紳士般令人嚮往。於法國橡木桶中陳年6個月,再於酒瓶中陳放6個月後才上市。

酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 14%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 18~22°C

建議搭配/ Food matches:碳烤、燒烤類紅肉料理,如炭烤牛排、中式滷味等較重口味料理、小吃。

2015 Vintage: Korea Wine Challenge 2016 — SILVER MEDAL


酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    恰美薩酒廠 LA CHAMIZA

    恰美薩酒莊成立於2003年,追求卓越的釀酒技術及挑戰國際好酒。葡萄園位於阿根庭最著名的產區之一門多薩(Mendoza),釀酒師專心致志於釀造複雜及有特色的佳釀,提供全世界愛好者選用。酒莊並致力向世人推廣本土的特色及運動,尤其是POLO馬球,其為阿根庭最重要的傳統運動項目之一,於1949榮獲世界冠軍。這激烈運動,幾乎耗竭賽場上馬匹及參賽者所有體力以及需要發揮最大的耐力、天賦及實力方能達成,這也是酒莊成立以來一向所遵循的優良傳統精神。LA CHAMIZA was founded in the year 2003 pursuing excellence in wine making and to implement commercial strategies around the world so as to become closer to consumers. Finca La Chamiza currently is member of Wines of Argentina with active participation in major fairs such as Vinexpo, London Wine, International Wine Challenge among others. Its main concern is to promote worldwide the category of the Argentine wines.

    All of La Chamiza’s wines are inextricably linked to the age-old Argentine sport of Polo by their history, their name (La Chamiza is a type of Polo Pony breed) and the winery are 100% committed to the game. The La Chamiza team flies the flag for the sport and their wine all over the World with their own polo team, and are dedicated to maintaining their reputation in UK as The Choice of Wine for the Polo Season. Look out in our events section for some of the great times we enjoy!



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