

聖光酒廠 小詹姆斯紅葡萄酒
CHATEAU DE SAINT COSME Little James’ Basket Pres

售價:$ 965/瓶



CHATEAU DE SAINT COSME Little James’ Basket Press,
Rhone Valley,France 

產區/Region: Rhone Valley

品種/Grapes: 100% Granache

酒質/Tasting Notes:这是一款来自法國聖光酒廠的葡萄酒,使用100%的Granache釀造,值得注意的是這款酒採用類似西班牙雪利酒的索樂拉系统(將木桶疊成金字塔形狀。每年從最下面的酒桶中,各取出三分之一裝瓶銷售。然後,用倒數第二層桶中的酒注滿最底層的桶,倒數第三層的又注滿倒數第二層的桶,依此類推),保持风格稳定的同时,每年都会有一些新的元素酒体,带有樱桃、香料、姜饼、草莓的香气。

Fermented and aged in vat. 100% Grenache Little James is at Saint Cosme the wine of freedom. Our Solera is getting more and more complexity yearafter year. When we add the current vintage, the solera gains a new element without changing the style...
This wine recalls the ancient times when the wine merchants would make wines having only one target: thepleasure. Blending vintages can be a great way to make nice wines, if it's well done. This cuvée shows howthe grenache can be a "chameleon-grape" which has the ability to take many different forms. But it alwayskeeps its sense of softness, fruit and texture. The 2013 bottlings will contain 50% of 2012, blended with thesolera which contains all the vintages back to 1999. We were particularly careful with the Little James
blends this year because we want that the spirit of grenache comes to you.Cherry, spices from the souk, gingerbread, strawberry compote, coal, tar.



酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 13.5%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 16-20°

建議搭配/ Food matches:適合搭配碳烤肉類料理、義大利批薩、義大利肉醬料理





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    聖光酒莊 SAINT COSME

    聖光酒莊(Chateau de Saint Cosme)位於法國羅訥河谷吉恭達斯(Gigondas)產區,是該地區最古老的酒莊之一。
    聖光酒莊的歷史最早可以追溯到1416年。 1570年,現任莊主路易•巴儒爾(Louis Barruol)的祖先購買了酒莊所在的這片土地。之後,家族14代成員就一直在這裡耕作。 1957年,亨利•巴儒爾(Henri Barruol)和克勞德•巴儒爾(Claude Barruol)從克勞德母親手上接管了酒莊。亨利隨後重新耕種了被毀壞的葡萄園,並開闢荒地擴大了酒莊葡萄園的面積。此外,亨利還是一個積極的自然主義者,從20世紀70年代初便開始採用有機種植的耕作方式。 1992年,路易•巴儒爾從父親手中繼承了酒莊和家族14代人流傳下來的釀酒傳統。 1997年,路易開始對北羅訥河谷的土地產生了濃厚的興趣。 2007年,酒莊又新建了一個酒窖,這對同時釀製紅、白葡萄酒的酒莊來說是個不小的實用工程。
    聖戈斯酒莊目前的葡萄園為15公頃,共分為3塊,即波斯特園(Le Poste)、克勞斯園(Le Claux)和奧米妮費德園(Hominis Fides),這3款葡萄園的土壤類型各不相同,大致分為黏土、石灰岩和沙土三種,主要栽培歌海娜(Grenache)和克萊雷(Clairette)葡萄。此外,這些葡萄樹的平均樹齡為60年。
    聖戈斯酒莊出產多款葡萄酒,普遍具有口感純淨,個性突出,味道均衡,窖藏能力較強的特點。其中,2010年份的聖戈斯吉恭達斯干紅葡萄酒(Chateau de Saint Cosme Gigondas, France)被《葡萄酒觀察家》列入2012年度百大葡萄酒的名單中。    
      Situated in the heart of Gigondas is one of the region's oldest estates, Chateau St. Cosme. The property has been in the same family for some 500 years. In 1992 Louis Barroul took control of the winemaking from his father and made that 'giant leap' to bottle and market his own wine. Previously his father had sold his wine to the local co-operative. Although this brought in a regular income each and every year, the price paid for the wine was little higher than that paid for a vin de pays or simple Cotes du Rhone - something that angers Louis even now. Since then this estate has become one of the most sought-after in the Rhone. The intense, articulate Louis Barroul is an uncompromising wine maker and highly self-critical. If he is at all unsatisfied with his wines he does not hesitate to sell off in bulk. “The young Barruol is indeed a talented winemaker who exhibits a magical touch that is well beyond his youthful age with so many different types of wine.”—Robert Parker


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