

雀拉酒廠 蘭布魯斯科微甜微氣泡白酒
FRATELLI CELLA Lambrusco dell'Emilia soft white wine

原價:$ 350/瓶



義大利-雀拉酒廠-艾米利亞 羅馬涅產區I.G.T.

FRATELLI CELLA Lambrusco dell'Emilia soft white wine,
Emilia Romagna I.G.T., Italy NV

產區/Region: Emilia Romagna

品種/Grapes: 100% Lambrusco 

酒質/Tasting Notes: 其酒色清澈透亮,濃郁的水果及白花香氣,微甜清爽的口感,非常適合在夏天冰鎮後飲用,易飲無負擔,為朋友歡聚、家庭聚會及婚宴喜慶增添歡樂氣氛。

the wine is a pale straw yellow,with greenish highlights. Its bouquet isdelicate, fresh and fruity; on the palate it iswell-balanced and lightly sweet.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol:8%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 6-10°

建議搭配/ Food matches:適合作為開胃酒或與清淡的菜餚搭配。

With light dishes and excellent as an aperitif

得獎紀錄/Score:2004 San Francisco International Wine Competition 銀牌



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得


    Coltiva Group成立於西元1975年,最初成立的原因是由於義大利的葡萄酒,跟法國一樣擁有絕佳品質和風味口感,但義大利的酒莊和廠商,作風向來保守、拘謹,很少在國際市場進行促銷工作,因此吃了很多悶虧。其實,義大利每年葡萄酒產量為世界第一,而法國則排名第二。有鑒於此,ColtivaGroup背負著將義大利的葡萄酒行銷世界的使命,與1000間會員公司與葡萄酒製造商結合起來,目前管理了超過一萬一千公頃的葡萄果園,產品也行銷到全世界40餘國,尤其CELLA更成為外銷美國Lambrusco的最大品牌。2008年Coltiva Group與Cantine Riunite& Civ集團合併,成為義大利產量最大之Lambrusco葡萄酒釀造及出口商。

    Cella Wine the fastest wine ever.
    Since 1960, Fratelli Cella has been producing some of the world's finest examples of sparkling wines from the region of Emilia Romagna, including Lambrusco, one of the most important Italian wines. The Fratelli Cella brand is produced by the winery of CIV & CIV, which is located in the city of Modena and is recognised as the leading producer of Lambrusco in Italy. Cella is made using the combined effort of some 2500 associate growers from throughout Emilia Romagna, who use only the best grapes which are grown around Modena.
    The winemaking focus begins in the vineyards and ends with the impressive portfolio of fine wines offered by the brand. Today, Cella wines can be found in over 40 countries around the world.




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