

威帝偉士酒莊 單一葡萄園系列 卡門內里紅酒
VALDIVIESO Single Vineyard Carmenere

售價:$ 1200/瓶


智利-威帝偉士酒莊-D.O. Peumo產區-單一葡萄園系列 卡門內里紅酒

VALDIVIESO Single Vineyard Carmenere,D.O. Peumo, Chile

產區/Region:D.O. Peumo in Cachapoal Valley

品種/Grapes:Camenere 100%

酒質/Tasting Notes:五月初手工採收,和緩地去梗後在不銹鋼桶內發酵後7-10天,過程中一天攪拌3次,酒精發酵後在擠壓前浸皮7-14天,放入法國橡木桶內12個月(35%為新橡木桶)。濃郁深沉的暗紫紅酒色,強烈多層次的香氣,含有醇美的黑莓、黑茶藨子、洋李、梅子、一抹黑胡椒味和微甜的香氣,柔軟的單寧和穩健的酒體,在桶中熟成帶來的優雅氣息舒適宜人,餘韻悠長。
The wine was aged for 12 months in French (100%) oak barrels of which 35% were new barrels. Exuberant deep dark red violet. Intense and complex aromas, some ripe dark berries, blackcurrant, plums, black pepper with hints of sweet spices. Soft tannins with a firm structure. Elegant subtle spices from the maturation in oak barrels are present. The wine has a lovely texture and long persistence.

Ageing Recommendations: Enjoy the concentration now or cellar for up to 7 years.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol:14.5 %

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 16-18 ℃

建議搭配/ Food matches: 適合搭配牛排、紅肉、義大利燉飯、燒烤豬肉、野味。Valdivieso Cermenere Single Vineyard pairs with soft red meats, game, tasty rissotos, or barbequed pork.

1. International Wine chanllenge (IWC)- Silver Medal
2. 商業週刊評選南美十大好酒排行第一



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    威帝偉士酒莊  VALDIVIESO 

    Viña Valdivieso的歷史可追溯到1879年,Alberto Valdivieso先生創建Valdivieso香檳酒股份有限公司,成為南美洲汽泡酒釀造的先鋒,超過60%的市場佔有率使其成為智利最具聲望的飲料品牌。


    Viña Valdivieso dates back to 1879 when Alberto Valdivieso founded Champagne Valdivieso, the first company in Chile and South America to make sparkling wine. More than a hundred years later in the late 1980s, the company expanded in a new direction when it began commercial production of still wines, as Viña Valdivieso, in our Curicó Valley winery in Lontué.
    Valdivieso wines have since had a very successful career, triumphing in major world markets and achieving the highest honours in international competitions. These achievements are not an objective in themselves, but rather the result of the search for superior quality wines that are both distinctive and attractive.


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