

翠帝酒莊 金盾系列 金盾系列伯納達紅酒
TRAPICHE Broquel Bonarda

售價:$ 750/瓶



-金盾系列 伯納達紅酒

TRAPICHE Broquel Bonarda,
Mendoza, Argentina


產區/Region:Finca Las Palmas、Cruz de Piedra、Maipú, Mendoza

品種/Grapes: 100% Bonarda

酒質/Tasting Notes: 酒體絲紅亮麗,酒香多變結構複雜,帶有濃郁黑莓混雜淡淡藥草芬芳,口感柔順渾厚,單寧圓潤充足。

酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 14%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 16~18℃

建議搭配/ Food matches: 熟乳酪或燒烤牛、羊嫩肩及羊膝。




酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    翠帝酒莊 TRAPICHE

    翠帝酒莊擁有超過120多年的歷史,每年銷售超過200萬箱葡萄酒至全世界50多個國家;每年之外銷成長速度,都超過100%,遠超過同期其他阿根廷酒莊頂多30%的速度,足見其於國際酒壇受歡迎的程度。他於阿根廷葡萄酒業品質成長有其重大貢獻的地位,其功績如下:首先引進法國優秀葡萄品種於阿根廷栽種、全程使用大型不銹鋼桶發酵之先驅、率先使用法國小型橡木桶儲放葡萄酒、多元多款之產品定位方針,增進了阿根廷葡萄酒業之國際競爭力、開啟阿根廷葡萄酒進軍世界Fine Wine的大門。酒莊以阿根廷國家品種-馬貝克Malbec葡萄之最佳詮釋者自居,擁有超過100多名的專業專職釀酒師去細心呵護所有葡萄酒,因此博得 (每一系列之葡萄酒都有專屬釀酒師 ) 之美譽;目前其酒莊產品系列之豐富性,是南半球所有產酒國之冠!
    Trapiche, located in Mendoza at the foothills of the Andes, is the most worldwide known Argentine brand. Keeping its pioneering and innovative spirit over 120 years of history has allowed the winery to become an unavoidable of Argentina’s viticulture and viniculture. Trapiche is the richness of diversity. With over 1000 ha of its own vineyard and taking advantage of the different types of soils and climates of Argentina, it has specialized in obtaining the best fruit from every “terroir”. Its wines truly reflect varietal typicality. The synergy in the work of the agricultural engineer and the enologist, both under the direction of the Chief Winemaker, results in wines with a fruity character and great concentration of color and aromas. When oak barrels are involved, the integration between the fruit and the wood is refined and natural. Trapiche’s complete portfolio offers the best option for every occasion.


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