

史旺森酒莊 梅洛紅酒

售價:$ 2100/瓶


美國-史旺森酒莊-加州 那帕山谷 奧克維爾產區

SWANSON Merlot, Oakville,
Napa Valley, California, USA 

產區/Region: Oakville, Napa Valley

品種/Grapes: 75% Merlot, 15% Shiraz, 9% Cabernet Sauvignon, 1% Petite Shiraz

酒質/Tasting Notes:這款梅洛紅酒是奧克維爾及波爾多兩地概念交滙的佳釀,保留著新世界的質地及影響,卻有舊世界的細緻及複雜性。充滿櫻桃、覆盆梅、黑莓的香氣及濃郁柔順的口感;梅洛細緻的單寧提供圓潤成熟的質地。目前已適飲,但值得等待6至8年,適合珍藏。 
A true meeting of the Oakville and Bordeaux minds, this wine retains the weight and texture of the New World, with the nuances and complexity of Pomerol. The nose exhibits dried cherry, raspberry and a smoky blackberry, with the flavors in the mouth echoing this impression nicely. The fine-grained tannins for which our merlots are known provide the round, ripe texture of this wine. While drinking surprisingly well today, the Swanson merlot will improve and be enjoyable for at least the next six to eight years.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol:14.8%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature:14-18°

建議搭配/ Food matches:非常適合單獨作為開胃酒或是搭配各式佳餚。 

得獎紀錄/Score:’03--Wine Enthusiast:83 pts


酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    史旺森酒莊 Swanson Winery

    史旺森酒莊Swanson於1985年由Mr. W. Clarke Swanson史旺森家族所成立,致力於加州Napa Valley優質產區的少量手工佳釀生產,1990年第一批葡萄酒正式問世,廣受品酒書刊好評且榮獲葡萄酒競技各項殊榮。史旺森酒莊Swanson於1985年由Mr. W. Clarke Swanson史旺森家族所成立,致力於加州Napa Valley優質產區的少量手工佳釀生產,1990年第一批葡萄酒正式問世,廣受品酒書刊好評且榮獲葡萄酒競技各項殊榮。

    Swanson Vineyards alluvial soils are part of geological history dating back to the formation of Napa Valley; where frequent flooding of the Napa River over the millennia laid down clay loam sediment. It is here in the heart of Oakville that our 100 acres produce wines of great elegance and finesse.

    Certified as sustainably farmed by Fish Friendly Farming and Napa Green Certified Land, Swanson Vineyards' wines owe their wonderful aromas, flavors and complexities to the soil and vineyard management. The vines are nurtured by the use of a variety of rootstock, clones, spacing, and trellis systems; all selected to parallel the capabilities of the soil. Our mission is to ensure that the potential of our vineyards is captured and reflected in our wines.


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