

威帝偉士酒莊 不甜氣泡酒
VALDIVIESO Sparkling Brut

原價:$ 780/瓶Bottle



-不甜氣泡酒 NV

VALDIVIESO Sparkling Brut,
Lontue Valley, Curico Valley, Chile NV

產區/Region: Lontue Valley

品種/Grapes: 60% Chardonnay, 40% Semillon

酒質/Tasting Notes: 淡金黃酒色與優雅的一抹綠酒暈,帶有醇美的果香及花香,成熟初期手工收成的葡萄帶有新鮮的風味,酒體圓潤均衡,酸度平衡適中。

酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 12%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 8-10°

建議搭配/ Food matches:適合做為開胃

得獎紀錄/Score: 1. Shanghai International Wine Challenge 2010, China- 

Bronze Medal上海世界葡萄酒大賽 銅牌獎
2.CATAD`OR 2011, Gold Medal 金牌獎




酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    威帝偉士酒莊 VALDIVIESO

    威帝偉士酒莊是智利第二古老的酒廠。Don Albert Valdivieso,一位熱情洋溢、自我要求嚴格的夢想家,遊學法國返回故鄉智利後,於1879年創立這家傳奇的酒廠。百餘年來,不斷更新技術設備,網羅各國知名釀酒師,嚴格要求每一種等級的酒都必須是最精緻釀造的,其長遠的目標,在經營酒莊品質,成為能代表智利、並名列世界上最好的優質酒莊。

    Viña Valdivieso dates back to 1879 when Alberto Valdivieso founded Champagne Valdivieso, the first company in Chile and South America to make sparkling wine. More than a hundred years later in the late 1980s, the company expanded in a new direction when it began commercial production of still wines, as Viña Valdivieso, in our Curicó Valley winery in Lontué.
    Valdivieso wines have since had a very successful career, triumphing in major world markets and achieving the highest honours in international competitions. These achievements are not an objective in themselves, but rather the result of the search for superior quality wines that are both distinctive and attractive.


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