

若林酒莊 不甜粉紅氣泡酒
ZONIN Vino Spumante Brut Rosé

原價:$ 680/瓶Bottle



–不甜粉紅氣泡酒 NV

ZONIN Vino Spumante Brut Rosé,
Veneto, Italy NV


品種/Grapes: 100% Nerello Mascalese

酒質/Tasting Notes: 優雅漂亮的桃紅色澤,有著奔放的花香及野莓、梨子等芬芳果味,彷彿進入了夢幻莊園一樣的浪漫迷人。綿密的氣泡在舌尖跳躍,口感柔和,酸度平衡,像位隨和的佳麗在花園中搖曳曼妙身姿,令人沉醉在甜美氛圍中 。

Elegant and beautiful pink color, with imaginative flowers and wild berries, pears and fragrant fruity, as if into Neverland, romantic and charming. Dense bubble jump on the tongue, soft texture, balanced acidity, like amiable beauties in the garden, swaying graceful figure, it is indulging in the sweet  atmosphere.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 11 %

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 5~8℃

建議搭配/ Food matches: 因有著清淡爽口的特性,特別適合當作開胃酒,搭配冷盤或沙拉一起享用,大部分魚肉及海鮮披薩等皆可搭。
Due to the characteristics of a light and refreshing, especially suitable as an aperitif, with hors d'oeuvres or a salad to enjoy together,most of the fish and seafood,pizza,etc ...


得獎紀錄/Score:2012Decanter Taiwan Best Buy Wine Awards銅牌獎


酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得


    對於那些擁有悠久歷史和深厚家庭根源的酒莊來說,生產葡萄酒不僅是工作:也是一種責任。創立於1821年,傳承7代的悠久歷史、擁有32人龐大的釀酒師陣容、11個酒莊葡萄園遍及義大利重要產區、為義大利最大的家族酒莊、排名歐洲第3大規模、是行銷全世界的國際級酒莊。早從六零年代中期若林家族便意識到有必要提供最好的葡萄酒給未來更多的消費者。毫無疑問,Gianni Zonin是家族裡首先預見市場長遠變化的人,29歲從學校畢業開始,便全身投入家族事業進行改革,他的想法是:要獲得優質的葡萄酒,就必須擁有葡萄園,並重視風土的價值。若林酒莊的成功關鍵來自於他們長期承諾投入並深入國內與國際市場,以它為首與各處葡萄園間建立緊密的聯盟合作關係,此外秉持「每個地區都其特殊傳統」的想法,在各處生產釀造最能表現當地特色的優質酒,因此家族這個概念絕對是若林酒莊的核心精神。現在酒莊在義大利擁有超過三千七百○五英畝的傑出葡萄園,是義大利最大的葡萄酒生產者,並持續與合作者和市場互動連結。 
    For those who have a centuries-old history behind them and deep family roots, producing wine is not just work: it is also a duty. The ZONIN family, vintners for seven generations since 1821 with a centuries-old history behind them and deep family roots; Being the largest producer in Italy and the third-largest winery of Europe, there are 32 vintners in ZONIN family and they own and operate 11 vineyard estates in all of Italy’s most important vine-growing regions.It is a commitment Zonin made in the mid-sixties when it was realized that there was a need to provide the best wine imaginable to the largest possible number of consumers.

    Gianni Zonin was without doubt one of the first to sense this profound change in the market. At 29 years of age and after receiving his diploma from the ecological school at Conegliano as well as a law degree, he became the president of the family wine company. He assured the develop the Zonin family’s estates. This project has always been based on a powerful idea: to obtain wines of fine quality, it is necessary to possess vineyards and emphasize the value of the terroir. Zonin has built and consolidated its success on its constant dedication and on its capacity to interpret the requirements of the domestic and international markets. The reason is that this plant has always been the primary nutriment of the body and of the soul. It seals a sort of alliance between man and creation. It is for that reason that the vine, which in appearance is a feeble thing, is the keystone of rural Mediterranean society. And this is based on an imperishable value, the family. That explains why for Zonin the family is the primary benchmark. It animates the company’s operations and determines its style.

    Zonin now possesses more than 3,705 acres of vineyards in the outstanding terroirs of Italy. While it is the largest producer in the Italian wine sector, it has not abandoned its family-based approach in its relations with collaborators or the market. Zonin’s prestige has always been firmly based on the family. That is because it is a stronghold of rural culture and because the estates are a big family dedicated to the production of premium wines. 


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