

卡沛妮酒廠 1868不甜波西可氣泡酒
CARPENE MALVOLTI 1868 Prosecco Extra Dry

原價:$ 950/瓶Bottle

-1868不甜波西可氣泡酒 NV

CARPENE MALVOLTI 1868 Prosecco Extra Dry,
Vento, Italy NV

產區/Region: Vento

品種/Grapes:Glara 100%

酒質/Tasting Notes:金黃的稻麥色帶微綠的色澤,香氣非常細緻並帶點蘋果的果香。口感的酸度柔和,清新的果香味,細緻的氣泡,迷人的金黃麥稻色澤,略帶些蘋果香氣。

Colour:straw yellow with greenish nuances.
Bouquet:very delicate and fruity,with an aroma of apple.
Taste:fruity soft and dry at the same time thanks to its typical acidity.
Perlage:very fine and persisting, conveying a lively and elegant feeling.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol:11%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature:6~8°C

建議搭配/ Food matches: 生蠔、魚子醬與開胃前菜



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    Carpene Malvolti卡沛妮酒莊早在1860年時,由於Antonio Carpene對香檳的一股熱愛,研發出專屬於義大利的氣泡酒,從1868年開始,Carpene Malvolti酒莊便成為Prosecco氣泡酒的代表名稱!酒莊擁有的歷史地位,因為不斷追求完美的心,歷經四代更替依舊穩固。Carpene Malvolti的名號 宛如高貴的品味,細膩的風範,百分百代表義大利的傳統與風格,在全球38個國家川流不息,堅持酒莊的熱情與巧思創造一股義式氣泡風潮!

    Passion and tradition, research and innovation, handed down from father to son for over 145 years; this is Carpene Malvolti, the first company to submit quality Prosecco to the sparkling process, and a brand that is a leader in this field both in Italy and abroad. It was founded in 1868 by Antonio Carpene, who dreamt to product a bubbly wine with the grapes harvested from the hills of Conegliano and Valdobbiadene.This dream has become a misson:Producing high quality sparkling wine at each grape harvest. A drean that is still coming true today, dat after day.


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