

卡內帕酒廠 窖藏希哈紅酒
CANEPA Reserva Privada Syrah

原價:$ 600/瓶



CANEPA Reserva Privada Syrah,D.O. Rapel Valley, Chile

產區/Region:Rapel Valley

品種/Grapes:  100% Shiraz 

酒質/Tasting Notes:  有著黑莓、巧克力和甜香料的香氣,味道帶有一點白胡椒辛香料的感覺。飽滿的酒體及滑順的單寧。

An enticing Syrah, in which blackberry, chocolate and sweet spice aromas and flavours dominate white pepper notes. Smooth tannins are evident in the plush body.
The Reserva Privada range was created in the 1980s to join our passion for wine with our desire to find the best terroirs in Chile for each variety.
The wines in this range are carefully aged in French oak barrels to ensure their elegance, balance, and quality.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 13.5%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 16~20℃

建議搭配/ Food matches: 適合搭配野味、烤肉料理。



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    卡內帕酒廠 CANEPA

    1930年,創立人Jose Canepa Vacarezza從義大利來到智利,在這塊土地上發現了完美的terroir,開始他自己的釀酒事業,經歷過三個世代的家族經營,是唯一有著強烈義大利風格的智利酒廠。在過去80年來,卡內帕酒莊促進了智利 葡萄酒的產業市場且經常在國際性葡萄酒比賽中獲獎無數。
    2007年與智利大廠Concha y Toro簽約,成為Concha y Toro的姊妹廠。酒莊釀酒師Javier Solari,早年也曾在Concha y Toro酒廠學習釀酒技術。2008年,他來到了Canepa酒廠,付出他全部的心血、熱情和釀酒知識,投入到這塊土地上,年復
    Canepa Winery每款酒都秉持著"優雅和創新"特性,豎立了鮮明的品牌形象,加上這家釀酒公司位於智利最佳葡萄酒產區的美波山谷(Maipo Valley)及可加瓜山谷(Colchaqua Valley),該地區的火山熔岩土壤及臨近太平洋海岸的絕佳氣候更是卡內帕酒莊葡萄酒酒質超越其他智利葡萄酒的主因。2005年,Wine Enthusiast雜誌稱這區域為“World'sbest Winegrowing region"《世界最佳葡萄種植區域》

    Canepa酒莊榮獲IWSC 2010 Chilean Wine Produce
    Almost 100 years ago, Jose Canepa set sail from his beloved Genoa in northern Italy. InChile, he put his entrepreneurial and innovative spirit and all of his skill int getting his Chileanwines renowned worldwide. Elegance, balance and innovation epitomise the Reserva line of wines, whose classical style relects all the advantages of Chile's ideal grape growing conditions.



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