

多利士酒莊 聖迪娜公平交易系列 卡本內蘇維濃紅酒
MIGUEL TORRES Santa Digna Cabernet Sauvignon Reserva

原價:$ 610/瓶


智利-多利士酒莊-中央谷產區-聖迪娜公平交易系列 卡本內蘇維濃紅酒
MIGUEL TORRES Santa Digna Cabernet Sauvignon Reserva, Chile

產區/Region:Central Valley, Chile

品種/Grapes:100% Cabernet Sauvignon

酒質/Tasting Notes:紅寶石色澤中帶有火焰般的光芒,卡本內蘇維濃紅酒的精緻香氣襯托出皮革與甘草芬芳;滑順如絲的丹寧綿延在口中,帶出優雅餘韻。
Ruby in color with a delicate aroma of fiery light, Cabernet Sauvignon brings out leather and licorice fragrance; smooth silky tannins stretches in the mouth, with an elegant finish.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol:14%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 18°C

建議搭配/ Food matches: 最適合搭配煙燻肉類冷盤,香腸,禽類料理,燒烤與各種肉類。The most suitable with smoked meat cold cuts, sausages, poultry,Barbecue with a variety of meats.



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    Miguel Torres Chile 是第一個發掘智利釀酒潛力的外國酒廠,1979年買下靠近安地斯山脈的葡萄園後,便開始西班牙 TORRES 酒廠在智力的釀酒事業。
    這個帶領葡萄酒界革新風潮,擁有 140 年釀酒歷史的 TORRES 酒廠,屢屢在國際葡萄酒壇中大放異彩;2005年獲選年度最佳創新酒廠、2006 年成為年度最佳歐洲酒廠,2009 年獲頒第一名環保酒廠。2010 年 Miguel A. Torres 先生更榮獲 IWC 所頒發的『終生成就獎』,以表彰 TORRES 家族對葡萄酒、對智利酒業及致力於環保的貢獻。
    秉著與多利士西班牙酒廠一樣的精神,MIGUEL TORRES Chile 酒廠對於環境保護與對抗全球暖化的議題極為重視,目標是在不久的將來將所有葡萄園進行『有機認證』!此外,歷經30多年的深耕及努力,TORRES 在智利的發展一創造出許多的第一名…

    Miguel Torres Chile is the first to explore the potential of foreign winemaking winery in 1979 after buying the Andes near the vineyards, the winery began TORRES Spanish winemaking career in intelligence.
    This led the wine industry innovation wave, with 140 years of brewing history TORRES winery, often shine in the international wine altar; in 2005 was elected the best innovations winery year, in 2006 became the European Winery of the Year, 2009 awarded the first environmentally friendly winery. 2010 A. Mr. Miguel Torres was awarded the IWC issued a "Lifetime Achievement Award" in recognition TORRES family of wine, the contribution to the Chilean wine industry and is committed to environmental protection.
    Duo Lishi Spain holds the same spirit distillery, MIGUEL TORRES Chile winery for environmental protection and fight against global warming issues attached great importance to the goal in the near future all the vineyards "certified organic"! Moreover, after 30 years of deep and hard, TORRES Chile in the development of many of the first to create a ...
    "The first forward foreign wineries in Chile"
    "The first introduction of the stainless steel tank fermentation technology."
    "The first use of French oak aged wine technology"
    Toward the goal of all wines certified as "fair trade wines" and forward.


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