
蒙帝斯酒莊 紫天使紅酒
MONTES Purple Angel

售價:$ 4520/瓶


MONTES Purple Angel,
Colchagua Valley,  Chile

Colchagua Valley

92% Carmenère, 8% Petit Verdot

酒質/Tasting Notes:
智利頂級酒款大多以卡本內蘇維濃為主,蒙帝斯酒莊卻大膽地採用卡門內爾Carmenere作為旗艦酒款,獨特風味被國際酒評家譽為「來自異星球的紅酒Wine from Another Planet」。 卡門內爾原生於波爾多,19世紀被誤認為是梅洛而引進智利,陰錯陽差地成為智利代表品種,2011年時任美國總統歐巴馬訪問智利時,紫天使被選為國宴用酒,「總統酒」美名不脛而走。

This superb wine represents a whole new dimension for Carmenère, the long-lost grape variety that recently resurfaced in Chile after being presumed extinct in Bordeaux, its original home. Purple Angel, has been recognised as Chile's best Carmenère. Critics all over the world have named this wine a "wine from another planet".

70% of the wine was aged for 18 months in first use French oak barrels . Elegant on the nose, with aromas of ripe red and black berries over a background of sweet notes. Being stored in French oak barrels adds aromas of dark chocolate, coffee which go with the typical fruity aromas of this variety. Well structured on the palate, with smooth and full tannins. 

酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 
14.5 %

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 
20-22 °C

建議搭配/ Food matches:



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    Montes SA  蒙帝斯酒莊

    Montes S.A. (Vina Montes)蒙帝斯酒莊,座落於南半球狹長國度智利中部的葡萄酒產區裡,1988年由四位釀酒與銷售經驗豐富的酒界人士所創立。只生產高品質的智利酒是他們成立的宗旨, 95%的總生產量銷售至全球五大洲75個以上的國家,是智利前五大的葡萄酒出口酒廠之一。旗下擁有五個獨立的莊園,近 600 公頃的葡萄園,分布於智利中部主要的葡萄酒產區:三處在Curico谷地,兩處位於Colchagua谷地;種植的品種繁多,有Cabernet Sauvignon、Merlot、Cabernet Franc、Carmenere、Petit Verdot、Chardonnay、Sauvignon Blanc、Syrah、Pinot Noir等。創辦人之一的Aurelio Montes先生,是酒莊的首席釀酒師,擁有超過35年的資深釀酒資歷,豐富的專業知識在智利酒界創下了許多成功的先例。這些創舉中,最讓人稱之為奇的就是他看中了智利中部Colchagua谷地裡一處隱蔽的區塊,Apalta谷地。位於安地斯山麓下、離太平洋海岸線約65公里,半月形的山谷區域,坡度15-45度,白天日照充足、夜晚有來自海洋的徐徐涼爽微風,還有貧瘠的土壤;是絕佳的葡萄生長環境。當初他選擇在這樣的陡峭山坡上種植葡萄樹的行為,被當地人認為是種瘋狂的行徑,如今,Apalta谷地,被認為是智利最優良的葡萄酒產區。2004年,Montes酒莊在這邊設立了另一個釀酒莊園,專門生產酒莊Alpha以及頂級旗艦系列酒款。秉持提供最優質的葡萄酒,所有的人工採收葡萄、篩選出最優良的葡萄果實後,使用不銹鋼槽進行發酵。最後,依據不同系列酒款的特色,有些發酵完的酒會被放置在橡木桶中熟成,釀製完成後,為保有葡萄品種原有的風味,所有的酒只有輕微過濾就裝瓶。Montes酒標上有一位手持葡萄的天使圖樣,來自創辦人之ㄧ的Douglas Murray先生的親身經歷;他在一次重大事故中曾看見天使的身影,因此相信了天使守護神的存在。酒莊選擇天使的形象做為其商標,在酒莊的酒窖中也安置著一尊天使的彫像,守護著蒙帝斯的佳釀醇酒。Montes是智利的驕傲,旗下表現出色的葡萄酒品質,已受到其他智利酒廠的高度密切注意,更為現代的智利葡萄酒發展樹立了最佳典範。曾榮獲全球酒界無數獎項的他們,依舊不斷努力追求更高的葡萄酒品質。2001年他們看中了鄰國阿根廷的葡萄酒發展潛力,橫跨安地斯山脈到當地投資釀酒,2005年在當地正式成立了Kaiken酒廠並生產阿根廷的葡萄酒。如今,Montes除了被評選為智利前三名卓越的發展中公司,是一家具有市場遠見、創新的葡萄酒公司,他們更成為智利的年度酒莊。

    Montes was established in 1988 by four partners with years of experience in the art of winemaking and in the wine trade. Our philosophy was, from day one, to produce premium quality wines from Chile. A level of quality that we felt was absent at the time. Premium wines that quickly became the standard to follow, such as MONTES and MONTES ALPHA, and now with ultra-premiums like MONTES ALPHA "M" (after Murray) and MONTES FOLLY, also the pioneers in the ultra-premium category. And follow they did! Not only did the large established wineries create premium wines to compete with MONTES ALPHA but many producers decided to try their luck exporting bottled wines. Wine exporters, as a result, went from about 10 to well over 100 wineries now. With 5 Estates, three in Curicó and two in Colchagua ("La Finca de Apalta" in Apalta and our new "El Arcangel de Marchigüe" in Marchigüe), totalling nearly 600 Hectares of vineyards with varietals such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Carmenère, Petit Verdot, Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc -with Syrah and Pinot Noir producing for the first time, experimentally, in 1999 and in fuller scale in 2000- Montes wines are mainly exported (95% of total production) to over 60 countries in the five continents.


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