

李奇慕沙堡 Chateau Lynch-Moussas '07  

售價:$ 1550/瓶Bottle


法國-波爾多 波雅克產區
-李奇慕沙堡 2007
Chateau Lynch-Moussas,
AC-Pauillac, Boordeaux, France 2007
(70% Cabernet Sauvignon,30% Merlot  ; 13%)

產區/Region:AC-Pauillac, Boordeaux, France
品種/Grapes:70% Cabernet Sauvignon,30% Merlot (依實際情況而定)
酒質/Tasting Notes:李奇慕沙堡是波雅克產區知名且具歷史的酒莊之一。這款五級酒莊紅酒帶來的是森林地貌土壤、馬鞍皮革、雪松、荊棘、黑醋栗和一絲菸葉氣息。 非常適合陳年,但仍然擁有深色的水果新鮮感口感,飽滿持久風味。

Château Lynch Moussas is one of the many wineries that gives Pauillac it's prestigious reputation. This Fifth Growth Grand Cru exhibits cohesive aromas of forest floor, saddle leather, cedar, bramble, cassis and a hint of tobacco leaf. The wine is wonderfully aged but still possessing a dark fruit freshness, backed by a mouth-filling body and persistent tannins.
酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 13%
適飲溫度/ Serving temperature:18~22℃
建議搭配/ Food matches:

酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得


    李奇慕沙堡 位於波雅克Pauillac產區,由身為愛爾蘭人的李奇家族所建立。酒莊在李奇家族的管理下經營了數世紀,並且在1855年分及時獲得五級酒莊的評價。
    到了十九世紀,由於葡萄蚜蟲的災害、經濟風暴和戰爭的影響,李奇家族不得不將酒莊出售給Casteja家族。起初Casteja家族對酒莊並無投入太多的心力,直到1969年Emile Casteja接手管理酒莊後才逐漸有了起色。

    Château Lynch-Moussas酒莊的歷史可以追溯到Lynch家族時期,一位叫做約John Lynch的愛爾蘭軍人。1691年離開愛爾蘭,之後便在法國定居並在此成家立業。18世紀期間,Lynch家族大量購買土地,不但擁有了Château Lynch-Moussas,還擁有其他名莊。

    Château Lynch-Moussas莊園中的「Moussas」一詞,來自於葡萄園附近的一個同名小村。Lynch家族擁有著這個莊園數十年之久。在1845年Wilhelm Franck的評級之中,首次提到了Château Lynch-Moussas酒莊並將其列為五級酒莊。1855年最終確定了其五級莊的地位。

    19世紀,Château Lynch-Moussas莊園受到了根瘤蚜,經濟蕭條和戰爭的影響,陷入困境。等到1969年,Emile Castéja接管莊園時已是一片狼藉。葡萄園面積大幅縮減,莊園建築荒廢不堪,更不用說其中的釀酒設備了。之後Emile Castéja大力整修Château Lynch-Moussas,重新種植了葡萄園,並對酒窖與莊園加以更新,現今,莊園已整修成一座十八世紀風格的建築,更成為了Emile的兒子Philippe Castéja的居所,Philippe不僅管理著Château Lynch-Moussas,還作為Borie-Manoux酒商公司的領導,同時還是「1855列級名莊委員會--Conseils de Grands Crus Classés en 1855」的主席。

    Château Lynch-Moussas is a French winery in the Pauillac appellation of the Bordeaux region of France. Château Lynch-Moussas is also the name of the red wine produced by this property. The wine produced here was classified as one of eighteen Cinquièmes Crus (Fifth Growths) in the Bordeaux Wine Official Classification of 1855.

    The estate was first owned by the Lynch family originally from Ireland, notably including the Count Jean-Baptiste Lynch in the 18th century, and was at the time much larger than it is today.

    In 1919 it was purchased by the Castéja family, and sole control was eventually consolidated to Emile Castéja in 1969 by which time the estate had become dilapidated and work to restore the property was initiated.[2][3] Since then a complete overhaul of the vineyards and winemaking facilities has been completed in an effort to improve its wine. In the Borie-Manoux portfolio of the Castéja family, the château is owned in conjunction with the fifth growth Château Batailley.

    Château Lynch-Moussas' wine originates from the estate's vineyards morcellated through the commune of Pauillac. The soil for these vineyards is typical of the Pauillac consisting mostly of gravel over a limestone subsoil.[4] The vineyard area extends 60 hectares (150 acres) with a grape variety distribution of 70% Cabernet Sauvignon and 30% Merlot.

    There is an annual production of 20,000 cases (1,800 hl) of the grand vin Chateau Lynch-Moussas, as well as production of the second wine under the label Les Hauts de Lynch-Moussas.



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