售價:$ 820/瓶
法國-波爾多特級產區-拉巴圖酒莊紅酒CHATEAU LABATUT,AC-Bordeaux Surperieur,France'11
產區/Region: Sadirac, AC-Bordeaux Surperieur
品種/Grapes: Merlot 55% ,Cabernet Sauvignon 45%
酒質/Tasting Notes:
酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 14.5%
適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 16-18 °C
建議搭配/ Food matches: companied with grilled veal chops or deliciously roasted chicken with herbs.
得獎紀錄/Score:2012 Berliner Triphy-金牌(2011年份)
酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得
Chateau Labatut 的酒莊是相當雄偉壯觀的,曾是Duras貴族院。葡萄園在1985年Levieux 家族接手的時候,已經重新整修過,擁有天然的排水系統及面向南方的地理優勢,Labatut能釀造出優質的波爾多特級區酒款。
On the most eastern quarters of Entre-Deux-Mers, the Château Labatut is most certainly one of the most beautiful residences of a region renowned for its architectural wealth. Once the demure of the Seigneurs of Duras, it was built during the Hundred Years’ War. Two impressive defence towers dating back to the 15th century frame the castle’s elegant architecture and grant a view of the sun-soaked, clay-limestone terroir spanning 45 hectares.