

-崗夏酒莊 不甜皮諾粉紅氣泡酒 200ml
GANCIA Pinot di Pinot Rose 200ml

原價:$ 260/瓶



-不甜皮諾粉紅氣泡酒 NV 200ml

GANCIA Pinot di Pinot Rose,
Piedmont, Italy NV 200ml

產區/Region: Piedmont and Oltrepò Pavese hills

品種/Grapes: Pinot Noir and White


酒質/Tasting Notes: 釀製方法:基酒採用短暫且局部浸皮發酵以獲取較為細緻及淺淡的粉紅色澤。輕柔地壓榨葡葡,汁液並於二次發酵前於大型木桶中採用低溫(10°C)發酵。新奇、粉紅色的皮諾氣泡即將要挑戰您的味蕾。 是款新鮮、高雅的氣泡酒,帶有玫瑰花香、覆盆子及櫻桃果味氣息。 淡淡的粉紅、乾淨、通透的色澤中,反映著淡淡粉橘光澤。 汽泡口感柔順、纖細且持久。新鮮果味與刺槐花香,引領著令人愉悅、清新、不甜且均衡的口感。 

The wine is obtained by short maceration to obtain a light red colour with orange reflexes and soft pressing. Fermentation at a low temperatur and conserved at 10°C before second fermentation. Martinotti Method with 40 days fermentation. Refining for at least 3 months at controlled temperature in the historical cellars of the House of Gancia.
This is the novelty! Pink Pinot di Pinot bubbles which are conquering consumers. A fresh, elegant sparkling wine with tonalities of floral roses and with the fruity raspberry and cherry hints. Light pink, clear and transparent colour with orange reflexes. The perlage is smooth, fine and persistent.  Bouquet with fresh fruit and floral notes like acacia flowers. Pleasant, fresh and moderately dry, balanced and fine.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 11.5%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 8-10°

建議搭配/ Food matches:非常適合用於傳統肉類料理,或搭配地中海式料理中的魚肉料理,如煙燻鮭魚等,作為開胃酒、慶祝或搭配各類食物料理更是適合。

Ideal for traditional meals. In the mediterranean cuisine it is served with fish and used as an aperitif.





酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    崗夏酒莊  GANCIA 


    Gancia was founded in 1850 by Carlo Gancia who created the very first Italian sparkling wine and paved the way to the birth of the Italian sparkling wine industry. The company is still 100% owned by the Gancia family, now in the fifth generation, which fully controls the company and is deeply involved in all its business aspects from the production to the distribution and marketing of a full range of sparkling wines and aperitifs.


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