

普藍塔酒莊 莊園系列 夏多內白酒
PULENTA La Flor Chardonnay

原價:$ 750/瓶


莊園系列 夏多內白酒

PULENTA La Flor Chardonnay
Mendoza, Argentina 

產區/Region: Mendoza, Argentina

品種/Grapes: 100% Chardonnay

酒質/Tasting Notes:此佳釀呈現漂亮的檸檬黃跟淡綠色調,佐以熱帶水果適當熟成香味,散放出巧克力跟香草新的法國橡木桶陳香。
Lemon-yellow with bright green hues, aromas mainly tropical fruits typical of a proper fruit maturity, made complex by the chocolate and vanilla notes given by the aging in new French oak.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol:13.5%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature:8-12°C

建議搭配/ Food matches: 適合搭配海鮮、奶油、起司等料理。
Match with seafood, butter, cheese and other dishes.



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    阿根廷 普藍塔酒莊

    普蘭塔家族已經在阿根廷有三代釀酒的歷史。釀酒師  Antonio Pulenta 的兒子,以及義大利移民的後裔們 - Eduardo Hugo Pulenta,在 2002 年創辦普蘭塔酒莊,結合有經驗以及高素質的勞工。
    此家族從 Angelo PolentaPalmina Spinssanti 在阿根廷取得超過百年的傳統,知識以及經驗,如今都居住在普蘭塔酒莊。他們的使命是製造出阿根廷驕傲限定的佳釀。

    The Pulenta family has been making wine in Argentina for three generations. The sons of winemaker Antonio Pulenta and descendents of Italian immigrants, Eduardo and Hugo Pulenta, gave life to Pulenta Estate in 2002, combining experience and highly qualified labor.
    The tradition, knowledge, and experience of the family acquired during 100 years since the arrival of Angelo Polenta y Palmina Spinssanti to Argentina, live today in Pulenta Estate.
    Our mission is to produce a limited series of great wines, proudly made in Argentina.


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