
波特嘉酒廠 詩人酒窖系列 玫瑰不甜氣泡酒
DISTILLERIA BOTTEGA Petalo Spumante Brut Millesimato

售價:$ 650/瓶

IT1EDB0062 / 8005829979713

-詩人酒窖系列 玫瑰不甜氣泡酒
DISTILLERIA BOTTEGA Petalo Spumante Brut Millesimato, 
Vento, Italy NV
(100% Glera; 11%)

產區/Region:Euganean Hills, Veneto
品種/Grapes:100% Glera
酒質/Tasting Notes:義大利威內多中部的尤佳寧山區(Euganean Hills),以種植玫瑰和蘋果聞名於世。在花季之時會有蜜蜂傳送蘋果和玫瑰的微妙香氣,在釀造的過程中賦予氣泡酒生命。
酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 11%
適飲溫度/ Serving temperature:6~8℃
建議搭配/ Food matches:建議可作為開胃酒、野餐搭配、魚肉與白肉都非常契合。


酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    波特嘉酒廠 BOTTEGA S.P.A 

    波特嘉酒廠以釀製義大利葡萄酒白蘭地,手工製高貴典雅的酒瓶,及迷人的氣泡酒著名;由Sandro Bottega創立於1977年,酒廠位置鄰近世界知名藝術與文化古都威尼斯,Sandro以熱情和決心以15年時間將酒廠名聲與產品推廣到世界各地;如今的Distilleria Bottega歷經三代經營管理,主要產品除了葡萄酒還有Grappa(渣釀白蘭地),尤其Grappa外銷部分就佔了義大利該品項總量至少四成比例的佳績。’06年營業額達三千萬歐元/五百萬瓶。

    1977年,有著超過30年蒸餾酒經驗的Aldo Bottega,在威尼斯北部成立了寶緹嘉蒸餾酒廠,是義大利最有名的渣釀白蘭地Grappa生產酒廠之一。酒莊旗下有相當多品牌,無論是哪一個系列,都以美觀和可口為出發點,充份體現出義大利人時尚設計與享受生活。

    酒莊最響亮的品牌,包括了1987年推出的Alexander Grappa系列,主要針對年輕人以及女士等注重品味人士,同時也首度使用人工吹製玻璃酒瓶,更加提升了Grappa的價值與地位。另有同名系列Bottega,專對派對與潮流而設計的可口氣泡酒,平實的價格搭上炫麗而有質感的酒標得以輕易擄獲眾人目光。

    BOTTEGA S.P.A, well known for exceptional grappas and elegant hand-blown bottles, also produces this lovely prosecco.

    Distilleria Bottega was born in 1977 and is located close to Venice in Italy - where art & culture has long history - and is managed by Sandro Bottega who in the last 15 years has developed his business in more than 85 countries all over the world with an enthusiastic growth. The company has a three-generation history of people dealing with wine and grappa. It is located at 45km north of Venice, near Conegliano, the capital of Prosecco wine and one of the most famous areas in the world for its vineyards tradition. Distilleria Bottega claims a 40% share of the worldwide export market for grappa. The 2006 turnover of all the Bottega Group was 30 mil. euro with 5 mil. bottles. Innovation, eye-catching glass bottles and quality packaging have helped to propel the company to one of the top 50 best distributed brands in duty free, according to Generation DataBank, and has made Alexander one of the symbols of the Italian refined style. We grow our vineyards, we are wine makers and we distil our Grappa in full respect of the tradition and the territory; innovation and technology are used to preserve the natural fruity aromas of the grapes and to obtain a smooth, genuine and high quality distillate. We have been distilling high-quality eau-de-vies since 1977 benefiting from a previous experience of 30 years, at least, in this field. Since then, we have been present in the market and we have ever been trying to distinguish ourselves through a constant and passionate search for quality in our products, aesthetics for our bottles, and marketing strategies for their diffusion. Our Grappas, our Sparkling Wines, and our Liquors are present in the Italy and in about 85 countries of the world, in the domestic and duty free market , on board of major Airline Companies and Ferries. We also have widen our range with Organic Food, Cognac and Mineral Water. Alexander and Bottega brand represent the heart of the company. Our bottles are designed by Sandro Bottega, are hand made in blown glass, and are a perfect gift for all people of refined taste. The magic of blown glass, in the name of the great Venetian tradition, emphasises the transparency of grappa and its absolute pureness.


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