歲月之丘酒莊 莫斯卡托微甜氣泡酒
LE RUGHE Moscato Vino Spumante Dolce
售價:$ 680/瓶Bottle
IT1ELR0061 / -
-莫斯卡托微甜氣泡酒 NV
LE RUGHE Moscato Vino Spumante Dolce,
Veneto, Italy NV
(100% Moscato Bianco; 8%)
品種/Grapes:100% Moscato Bianco
酒質/Tasting Notes:義大利最受歡迎的甜汽泡酒,與Prosecco汽泡酒相同的 釀造方式,夏馬槽(Charmat)二次發酵,完美呈現Moscato慕斯卡葡萄的甜美綿密口感細緻金黃汽泡緩緩上升於杯口,葡萄柚、柑橘、麝香與小白花等氣息也隨汽泡散出,愉悅香氣撲鼻而來。口感清爽,明亮酸度與甜度達到完美平衡,令人傾心不已。
The perlage isne and persistent. Fresh with typical notes of white flowers tasting. Elegant and persistent, it displays typical aroma of aromatic grapefruit and citrus.
酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 8%
適飲溫度/ Serving temperature:6~8℃
建議搭配/ Food matches:搭配各類甜點與蛋糕,尤其適合水果塔等酥皮類點心。It can be enjoyed alone or served with all types of desserts and biscuits, with composition based on fruits and special sweet a nd sour preparations.
得獎紀錄/Score:Gold Medal at the CWSA (China Wine & Spirits Award) in 2016