

雅釀絲酒廠 艾蓓兒微甜氣泡酒(傳統釀造法)
JAILLANCE Clairette de Die Tradition Cuvee Imperiale

售價:$ 750/瓶Bottle

FR1GJL0072 / 3416140120404

JAILLANCE Clairette de Die Tradition Cuvee Imperiale,
AC-Clairette de Die, France
(Muscat; 7.5%)

產區/Region:Clairette de Die
品種/Grapes:Muscat a petit grains
酒質/Tasting Notes:有光澤的淡金色,香氣帶有荔枝、茶香,猶如奶油慕斯的口感,在口中達到平衡,清新、優雅且尾韻持久迷人。 Effervescent, with off-dry flavors of pear, peach and melon that turn to a fruit cocktail note on the finish.
酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 7.5%
適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 5℃
建議搭配/ Food matches:非常理想的開胃酒,非常適合搭配巧克力以及鵝肝。 Very good for aperitif, chocolate and foie gras.
得獎紀錄/Score:The quality of Jaillance Clairette de Die Cuvée Impériale makes it a regular medal-winner.


酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    雅釀絲酒廠 Jaillance 
    Jaillance 成立於1950年, 是由Henri Bonnet 所發 起由葡萄酒農所組成的合作社, 目前為法國產 量第一大的氣泡酒酒廠, 員工約有100名左右, 葡萄園位在法國南部介於阿爾卑斯山及普羅旺 斯間, Vercors山旁的Drôme谷地. •

    酒廠生產三個法訂產區的氣泡酒, Clairette de Die Tradition(微甜), Clairette de Die Brut(乾), 及 Cremant de Die Brut(乾). 酒廠合作酒農為220家, 葡萄莊園面積為1124公頃, 約為此三個法訂產 區的總面積75%面積, 18%為有機種植, 使 Jaillance成為法國主要有機葡萄酒的生產者. 生 產各式高品質的氣泡酒, 歷年來獲獎無數. 且為 “永續發展葡萄農協會”(Vignerons en Développement Durable)10家創始會員之一, 對 環境保護及員工福祉有所關注, 位居法國氣泡 酒領導地位. •

    Jaillance為忠於風土精神的氣泡酒專家, 最廣為 人知的是Clairette de Die, 酒精度低(7.5度左右), 微甜,果香奔放, 主要為 Muscat petit grains 葡萄 品種釀造而成. 

    aillance is a cooperative that was founded in 1950 on the initiative of Henri Bonnet and located in the Drôme Valley.  Our vineyards are located at the foot of the majestic Vercors mountains, between the Alps and Provence.

    3 appellations, Clairette de Die Tradition, Clairette de Die brut and Crémant de Die brut, are spread over 1,124 hectares of vineyards, i.e. 75% of the appellation's total surface area. Today, 18% of our cultivation is organic, making Jaillance one of the major producers of Organic sparkling wines in France.

    The Winery boasts 220 associated winegrowers and approximately 100 employees, all working together to ensure high quality standards. A member of the ten founding wineries behind the Vignerons en Développement Durable trademark, concerned with its environment and the well-being of its employees, Jaillance has readily adopted a sustainable development strategy to further promote respect for nature and mankind.

    The attitude towards sustainable development at Jaillance means first and foremost that its winegrowers respect the land, reducing their impact on the terroir and preserving resources, with its employees and business partners involved in the process and its clients made aware and informed about their eco-responsibilities. Since 1950, our Winery has been an economic and social model of North/North fair trade, by creating value and ensuring the livelihood of small winegrowers throughout the entire Drôme Valley, while also preserving rural employment and economic activity as well as promoting the value of the terroir.

    The winery is certified ISO 9001, ISO 14001, IFS and BRC.

    The specialist of AOC sparkling terroir wines, Cave Jaillance is now principally known for its Clairette de Die, a unique product with a low alcohol content and sweet, fruity aromas, mainly produced with Muscat petits grains grapes. We also offer a range of clairette and crémant dry sparkling wines.


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