

慕卡酒莊 利奧哈特等精選級紅酒
MUGA Rioja Reserva Seleccion Especial

售價:$ 1800/瓶




MUGA Rioja Reserva Seleccion Especial, Rioja D.O.C., Spain


品種/Grapes:70 % Tempranillo, 20 % Garnacha, 7 % Mazuelo and 3% Graciano.

酒質/Tasting Notes:Rioja 是西班牙最著名的葡萄酒產區,也是西班牙列級DOCa的優質葡萄酒產區,細分成Rioja Alta, Rioja Alavesa, Rioja Baja三區;生產以混合Tempranillo及Garnacha葡萄品種為主。Muga位於Haro,是Rioja傳統迷人的城市,在RiojaAlta區裡;這地方釀製的葡萄酒酒體濃郁飽滿又細緻、果香豐富。Rioja的木桶香氣是產區酒款最獨特的特徵,這款酒在傳統的Rioja木桶中六個月的時間、再加上30個月的小型橡木桶、還有至少一年的瓶中陳年時間,才釋放出來銷售。深紅色。平衡完美的香氣從成熟多變的紅色莓果香,如櫻桃、草莓,到椰子還有香草的芳香,也能夠感受到來自木桶的辛香料與燒烤香氣。入口後,酒質相當討人喜愛,蜂蜜般的香滑感覺很快地又轉變成鮮活的口感。酒體非常渾厚有勁,酒質架構多層次,有深色果香,單寧明顯但細膩,餘韻持續良久。建議存放6-8年,預計可陳年至2030年。

You can find good, even depth of colour with purple glints right in the heart of the glass without the least sign of oxidation.Its nose preserves the character which defines this harvest: the fruit a rung below the dominant ripeness which mingles with hints of liqueurs which you can only find in this wine and not in the rest of the range from the same vintage. The tertiary aromas come through in the form of leather and very faint hints of cloves and mountain herbs.

It is on the palate that it reveals its greatest strengths: fruit you can almost chew, soft, silky tannin, a good level of acidity and infinite mineral nuances. The synergy of these sensations creates a really powerful impact on the taster.

The features detected in direct olfaction are repeated in retro-olfaction, but almost in reverse order. The fruit, now a little riper, comes to the fore, the spices from the oak and the mountain herbs rise to the same level and the hints of liqueur disappear.

While it is already a more than satisfactory, it needs some time in the bottle for its aromas and flavours. A little patience will be richly rewarded.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol:14 %

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 16-18℃

建議搭配/ Food matches: 西班牙海鮮飯、牛排、香料烤豬排、西班牙辣味臘腸。


Robert Parker 94 分
Wine Spectator 92分



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得


    由Isaac Muga先生以及夫人Aurora Caño女士,創立於1932年。座落於西班牙北邊知名的葡萄酒產區Rioja(靠近該區西北邊的Haro) 。
    Muga酒廠旗下擁有 35公頃的葡萄園,葡萄園座落在面東南方的Obarenes山坡上,屬於La Rioja Alta法定產區。這裡是種植 Tempranillo 最優良的產區。大小不依的葡萄園區塊,土壤特色以粘土含石灰質為主,少數某些地段含較多鐵質成分;多樣豐富的地質變化,對當地主要的Tempranillo葡萄品種造成很深遠的影響,釀製出來的酒款帶有濃郁的土壤風味…。結合地中海、大西洋與大陸型的氣候影響,種植出優異的葡萄果實。西班牙的釀酒業對酒款的陳年時間標準,有一定的堅持與規定;Muga酒廠是使用法國與美國的橡木自行製作釀酒以及存放酒款所需的木桶,而且至少每十年會做桶子更新的動作。

    Bodegas Muga is located in the historical Barrio de La Estación (railway station district) in Haro. The facilities (270,000 square foot) are two centuries old, built mainly of stone and oak. In fact, oak is paramount in the winery. There are 200 oak deposits as well as 14,000 barrels, made out of different types of oak ranging from French oak (Allier, Tronçais or Jupilles), American, Hungarian, Russian and even the small consignment of Spanish oak.
    Bodegas Muga vineyards are located on the foot of the Montes Obarenses, within the area called Rioja Alta. The site climate is exceptional due to, on the one hand, the singular geography and orientation of the vines and on the other hand, the surrounding climates –Mediterranian, Atlantic and Continental climates are combined harmoniously thus creating a suitable climatic site for growing grape.
    The soil in this area is mostly clay and limestone, divided in small terroirs with different physical and chemical qualities between them; thus each terroir has a unique and defined personality. This abundance of climatic influences and different soils define prolonged stages in the vine growth cycle. The growth will be complex and delicate, key to the potential quality of the wines in this area.
    Bodegas Muga owns 620 acres of vineyards but it also has control over 370 acres owned by vine growers in the area. The grape varieties grown are Tempranillo (the essence), Garnacha (Grenache), Mazuelo (Carignan) and Graciano for the red wines; and Viura and Malvasia are used for the white wines.



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