

馬凱吉佛烈斯可巴爾第酒莊 “艾比及亞”夏多內白酒
M. FRESCOBALDI Albizzia Chardonnay

原價:$ 750/瓶



M. FRESCOBALDI Albizzia Chardonnay,
Toscany I.G.T., Italy

產區/Region: Tuscany 

品種/Grapes: 100% Chardonnay

酒質/Tasting Notes: 鮮豔亮麗的稻草黃酒色,豐富的柑橘果香,伴隨著淡淡的香蕉和蜜桃香氣,尾韻呈現些許的香料氣息,餘韻悠長。口感圓潤滑順加上適中的酸度,使得酒精在口中呈現絕佳的平衡。芳香可口的質感使人愉悅,為一款好喝開胃的白酒。

Albizzia, made from chardonnay, is youthful and crisp, perfect for enjoying every day and ideal all by itself as an aperitif. A brilliant straw yellow introduces Albizzia; the bouquet is equally impressive, with its notably rich array of fragrances. First to emerge are crisp aromas of citrus and pineapple, followed by ripe apple, pear, and white peach, with delicate impression of slaty mineral finally completing the mosaic. In the mouth, the immediate sensation is one of silky smoothness, but an emphatic vein of tasty acidity quickly makes itself felt. A lengthy finish, displaying generous fruit, brings the wine into impressive balance. 

酒精濃度/ Alcohol:12%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 10-12°

建議搭配/ Food matches:焗烤貝類海鮮、海鮮義大利麵、烤火雞等都是極佳搭配。

As a white wine it is appropriate with hors d'oeuvres, fish and white meats.

得獎紀錄/Score:‘04- Gambero Rosso (Italia): Oscar del Bere Bene (Best Buys)

‘04- Oscar Qualità Prezzo from Gambero Rosso


酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    馬凱吉 佛烈斯可巴爾第酒廠 MARCHESI De FRESCOBALDI

    托斯卡尼的精工典藏--馬凱吉 佛烈斯可巴爾第酒廠為托斯卡尼貴族出身的酒商,早在十四世紀之時就已經提供英國王室等歐洲宮廷御用酒。在該家族保留的文獻當中,還留有亨利八世親筆簽署的酒單。除了歷史悠久,其家族偉大更在於不斷創新求變的精神,為推動釀酒技術現代化的先驅&佼佼者。Frescobaldi這個名詞除了代表馬凱吉 佛烈斯可巴爾第酒廠之外,超過七百年的悠久歲月更是義大利托斯卡尼在藝術、文化及歷史上的一個絕佳代名詞。酒廠擁有九個葡萄園共超過1000公頃的土地,而其所有的葡萄園都位於較高的海拔地勢,也正因為如此的地形氣候,園中得以種植出品種優良並具有特殊風味的高品質葡萄。自1855年起酒廠先鋒,身為農藝家與釀酒師的Vittorio degli Albizi大膽啟用了現代科技來種植葡萄後,更地一次將國際主流紅白葡萄品種種植於Castelli di Pomino以及Nipozzano等地。他認為,”Terroir” 所代表的字面意思與地形、物種及科學技術都有密不可分的關係,故堅持只使用自家葡萄園所種植的葡萄來釀酒,一慣的堅持與獨到哲學,馬凱吉 佛烈斯可巴爾第酒廠才能不斷的釀造出品質優良的葡萄酒。

    1995年與美國加州的知名酒廠Robert Mondavi羅伯蒙岱維酒廠結盟,更提高了義大利托斯卡尼葡萄酒的於國際市場的品質與名聲。如今,無論是在美國到歐洲,甚至是位於遠東的亞洲地區,都可以品嚐到該酒廠的精品佳釀。

    700 YEARS OF WINE HISTORY: A Florentine family with thirty generations dedicated to the production of great Tuscan wines, 5,000 hectares of estate properties, over 1,000 hectares of estate vineyards, nine estates in Tuscany, and a quality distribution network in over 65 countries worldwide. A Frescobaldi style that brings together tradition and innovation. With the goal of being the most prestigious Tuscan wine producer, Frescobaldi firmly believes in respecting the local land, focusing on the highest quality for its grapes, and investing in communications and in the professional calibre of its personnel.
    1855: Vittorio degli Albizzi: an ancestor of the Frescobaldi, was born in Burgundy in the early 19th century. When he inherited the properties in Tuscany from the Florentine branch of the family, he returned to Florence. He was amazed to find, at Pomino, an environment unique for Tuscany: a mountainous area, of conifers and chestnut trees, of vineyards and olive groves, and enjoying a well-ventilated cool climate with significant temperature differences between day and night. Fresh from his experience in Burgundy, he was among the first in Italy to propose specialised vineyard cultivation and monovarietal plantings, even at altitudes until then not used for vinegrowing. But the conditions were perfect for early-ripening grapes such as Chardonnay, Pinot Bianco, Pinot Grigio, Pinot Noir, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Merlot, which he introduced to Pomino in 1855. 1995: Luce della Vite- For the first time in Italy, two international wine producers, Marchesi de' Frescobaldi and Robert Mondavi, took the step of combining their respective resources and winemaking talents in order to develop the most perfect expression of wine, in the best vineyards in Montalcino.


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