

-漢恩酒莊 夏多內白酒
HAHN FAMILY Chardonnay

原價:$ 900/瓶

HAHN FAMILY Monterey Chardonnay,
Monterey County, California, USA

美國 加州 蒙特雷 Monterey, California, USA

100% 夏多內 Chardonnay

酒質/Tasting Notes:
淡淡的金黃色澤,有蘋果、熟梨及微微的焦糖味,中度的酒體、清新的酸度以及圓滑柔順的口感。Rounded and supple, initial scents of pineapple and mango give way to aromas of pear and vanilla. A sip reveals an ample mouthfeel laced with flavors of green banana, baked apples and toffee. A delicate thread of acidity balances a lingering note of sweet butter on the creamy finish.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol:

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature:
10 ~ 12°C

建議搭配/ Food matches:
此款佳釀適合搭配奶油醬汁義大利麵,芒果調味水煮鮭魚 以及佳節火鷄肉。
This wine matches with cream sauce for pasta, poached salmon with mango flavored and holiday turkey.



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    漢恩家族是個專注於加州及紐西蘭酒莊品牌的專業行銷業務公司, 漢恩家族莊園位於蒙特婁的聖塔露莎高原,葡萄園獲得永續發展認證,且為當地首個獲得綠色環保認證的酒廠。 漢恩家族釀製眾多系列葡萄酒,包括最高等級的露希安系列、漢恩SLH莊園系列,包括聖塔露莎高原到最出色的漢恩酒廠、史密斯霍克酒廠以及Bin36品牌,包含最基本的中央海岸產區、蒙特婁郡產區系列,至漢廷頓酒廠部分的索諾瑪產區的卡耐羅及亞力山大山谷。
    Hahn Family Wines is a professional, full-service sales and marketing company specializing in estate winery brands from California and New Zealand.  The Hahn Family Wines estate is located in Monterey County's Santa Lucia Highlands, one of California's premier and most highly sought after wine appellations. Our vineyards have been certified sustainable, and the winery is the first green certified winery in the region. Hahn Family Wines produces a broad portfolio of wines including the Ultra-Premium Lucienne and Hahn SLH Estate Wines from the Santa Lucia Highlands to the distinctive Hahn Winery, Smith & Hook Winery and Bin36 brands primarily from the Central Coast and Monterey County appellations to Huntington Wine Cellars from Sonoma appellations such as Carneros and Alexander Valley, to Copa del Rey from Chile to the Cycles Gladiator Wines which bear Central Coast and California appellations.


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