

露蒂夢酒廠 香波蜜思妮村莊紅酒
LOU DUMONT Chambolle-Musigny

售價:$ 2860/瓶

LOU DUMONT Chambolle-Musigny, AC-Chambolle-Musigny, Burgundy, France 

產區/Region:France> Burgundy> Chambolle-Musigny

品種/Grapes:100% Pinot Noir

酒質/Tasting Notes:優雅,芳香,樸實,輕/中型酒體。

Elegant, aromatic, earthy, light/medium body wine.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol:13%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature:16-18°C

建議搭配/ Food matches: 適合搭配白肉(禽肉,牛肉胰臟)。White meat (poultry, veal sweetbreads)



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    LOU DUMONT -露蒂夢酒廠
    露蒂夢酒廠目前年產七十桶約20,000瓶左右,一般酒商每年超過兩百桶以上的量對他來說並不是辦不到,不過仲田先生覺得如果規模過大會無法掌握每款葡萄酒的特性,因此他把對於葡萄酒的熱情投注在百分百手工製作的堅持上。在這個充斥大財團酒商、新世界葡萄酒與量販酒商的市場環境裡,仲田晃司為布根地葡萄酒注入了新血並開創新頁。2003年露蒂夢酒廠由 Nuits-St-Georges 村遷到 Gevrey-Chambertin 村;深受著名釀酒師亨利佳耶薰陶的仲田晃司,決定為露蒂夢酒廠打造一個全新的標籤,他將亨利佳耶及自己的信念融合,表達在酒標上:「釀造家的本位在於對大自然的真摯與尊敬」這就是酒標上「天、地、人」三個漢字所要闡明的。

    Lou Dumont was founded in 2000 by Koji Nakada. As the cellar master, started to mature wines following Burgundian tradition and developing his own style on the Pinot noir. A real union between the Asian culture and the Burgundian tradition was born. Lou Dumont proposes various silky and elegant wines marked by the typical of Burgundy where we can notice a point of exoticism marked by the Asian culture. Specially, Koji Nakada devotes himself to all details including terroir, aging, barrels, techniques etc just like traditional Japanese craftsmen. Koji Nakada only selects must or grapes from small outputs Domaines and vinifies them in its cellar.
    In 2003, Lou Dumont settled in Gevrey- Chambertin on the Cote de Nuits, where the wines are vinified and matured in their cellars. Since its setting up, they have been expanding a great growth and year after year. It stays in line with the international dynamics keeping its relationship values. In May 2003, from Henri Jayer old man of past days "Give wine to express its own identity," and by education, "Being Japanese", "sincere respect for nature and man" as a symbol of "heaven, earth people" was born. It is definitely a bottle of Burgundy, labeled with three Chinese characters meaning sky, earth, and human printed on a yellow background. He said, "nature, earth, people" listed as a belief, and weather [natural conditions], and grapes [land], involved in wine making [people]. The model of traditional winemaking essential old one which has been loyal to the very basic to winemaking.


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