
塔迪爾羅涵酒廠 教皇新堡”老藤” 紅酒
TARDIEU-LAURENT Chateauneuf-du-Pape “Vieilles Vignes”

售價:$ 3660/瓶

法國-塔迪爾羅涵酒廠-北隆河 AC教皇新堡產區-教皇新堡”老藤” 紅酒
TARDIEU-LAURENT Chateauneuf-du-Pape “Vieilles Vignes”, AC-Chateauneuf-du-Pape,Southern Rhone, Rhone Valley, France

產區/Region:Chateauneuf-du-Pape,Southern Rhone, Rhone Valley, France

品種/Grapes:80% Grenache, 10% Mourvedre, 10% Syrah

酒質/Tasting Notes:成熟的水果,豐富而且強而有力的口感。美麗的密度和非常大膽。慕合懷特已經非常成功:他們重新平衡特釀,給它一個美麗和諧。
The fruit is ripe, the rich and powerful mouth. Beautiful density and pretty bold. The Mourvèdre have been very successful: they rebalance Cuvée, giving it a beautiful harmony.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol:14.5%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature:15°C

建議搭配/ Food matches: 



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    TARDIEU-LAURENT -塔迪爾羅涵酒廠
    塔迪爾羅涵酒廠設立於創辦人Michel Tardieu的故鄉普羅旺斯區,一個名叫Loumarin的小鎮。他放下優渥的公職投身釀酒事業,對葡萄酒沒有高度的熱忱是辦不到的。另一位創辦人是大名鼎鼎的布根地酒商 Dominique Laurent,他對木桶培養的獨特見解早已遠近馳名,日本人稱他為「木桶的魔術師」。儘管現已很少參與酒廠事務,在釀造與風格上多少留有他的影響。1997年才成立的酒商,短短的十年間能夠名揚國際,主要歸功於Michel Tardieu對隆河谷地區的全盤掌握與熱忱。旗下酒款涵蓋全區,其酒款眾多但年產量不過每年九萬瓶,雖然自家沒有葡萄園,卻與當地最佳的酒農合作,購得優質葡萄園的收成與原酒。因為長期的配合,直接給予伙伴們種植、採收與釀造上的建議與期望,從最源頭就開始掌控品質,十年期間,已成為「法國最佳葡萄酒指南二零零八年版」評為兩顆星等級。
    這些合作酒農釀成的葡萄酒在隔年二月陸續運達塔迪爾羅涵酒廠的酒窖並展開培養過程。Syrah品種採用全新的橡木桶;Grenache則多半使用一年舊桶。依照AOC的不同,培養時程從18到24個月不等,然後不過濾、全手工裝瓶,保留培養過程所得到最純淨複雜的香氣與強而豐富的口感。釀酒顧問Philippe Cambie的加入使得風格更加濃郁而耐久藏。
    酒廠有兩個系列酒款,分別為"Les Vieilles Vignes”(The Old Vines)與"Les Grandes Bastides",其中Les Grandes Bastides系列仍為50年以上老藤釀製,不過卻呈現較容易親近的風貌,也可陳年後飲用,尤其是教皇新堡(AOC Châteauneuf-du-Pape)的 Cuvée Spéciale(100% Grenache) 與 Vieilles Vignes(80% Grenache 80 年老藤、Syrah、 Mourvèdre),以及AOC Hermitage的紅、白酒。連最基礎的AOC Côtes du Rhône "Guy Louis"紅酒都獲得Parker 91分的讚賞!另外,隆河丘村莊等級的Becs Fins以及隆格多克區的Les Grands Augustins屬於超值的入門酒款,強烈的果香與柔順的口感更適合日常佐餐,高貴不貴成功打破名廠只有貴酒的迷思。

    Michel Tardieu and Dominique Laurent
    Settled in Lourmarin, charming village of Luberon, "Tardieu-Laurent"
    is the fruit of the meeting between Dominique Laurent - Négociant in Wines of Bourgogne - and Michel Tardieu, a Provençal born with an extreme passion for Wines that are authentic and have character. Now, Michel Tardieu is completely, and alone, in charge of Tardieu-Laurent.
    Fine expert of his dear Vallée du Rhône, a Region he has been visiting restlessly for decades, Michel Tardieu tied confident relationships with a number of Vignerons, amongst the most remarkable in each Appellation.
    The Terroir as a Partner
    In order to hit on the noblest Cuvées - commonly the fruit of the oldest Vines -, it is not enough to show an intimate knowledge of the Terroirs and of the Wines, you also have to tie a personal and sincere relationship with the Vignerons.
    In most Domaines, Michel Tardieu is allowed to assert his ideas and points of view, about the harvest date, about the Vinifications... An invaluable mark of confidence ! As of the end of the fermentations, all the Wines are poured into Tardieu-Laurent casks, at the Property : the élevage, thus, starts at the Domaine...
    The Elevage :
    In February, the barrels reach Lourmarin, and Tardieu-Laurent Cellars, after they have received the indispensable official approvals.
    All the Syrah Wines are in new oak casks, the Grenache Wines in one year casks. The duration of the élevage will vary from 18 to 24 months, depending on the Appellation.
    Naturally, most of the Wines are bottled by hand, without filtration,
    so as to preserve the benefit of the élevage, purity of complex aromas, and intensity of a rich matter...

    From the Terroir to the final consumer, the Wine, thus, becomes a global involvement, on the basis of simple yet essential values, for the Passion of Wine as a fruit of Nature.


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