售價:$ 5520/瓶
Cabernet Franc 85%, Malbec 15%
酒質/Tasting Notes:
Robert Parker 100分酒評:「有著難以置信的微美、優雅與未經修飾的純粹,讓我想起 Lafleur 的超好年份,是我最喜歡的波爾多風格,這款2019絕對是最好年份之一!」
Score 100 Robert Parker - 100 James Suckling
It’s not often that a wine receives a perfect score from two of the world’s most respected critics with 100-point ratings from both Robert Parker and James Suckling.
Aging 15 months in 100-year-old foudre
“The incredibly subtle, elegant and austere Gran Enemigo Gualtallary Single Vineyard 2019 reminds me of a great vintage from Lafleur, my favourite Bordeaux, as this is one of the best vintages for this single vineyard blend of Cabernet Franc with 15% Malbec. It develops very slowly in the glass and shows layers and layers of aromas but all very subtly. It also reminds me of the fabulous 2013 that I scored 100 points in 2018, and there hasn’t been a vintage as perfect since. It has great balance and a silky mouthfeel, with refined and elegant tannins and a long, dry finish with a chalky, salty feel with no hint of sweetness – it’s more about herbs, flowers and rocks than anything else. They produced 9,000 bottles of this beauty. It was bottled in July 2020.” Luis Gutierrez - The Wine Advocate - Robert Parker.
酒精濃度/ Alcohol:
適飲溫度/ Serving temperature:
建議搭配/ Food matches:
Red meats, pork, poultry, grilled, smoked, roasted, soft cheeses, strong cheeses, hard cheeses, sauces with onions, mushrooms, beans and lentils, sauces with black pepper, seasoned with aromatic herbs, exotic condiments, white starches.
100 Robert Parker - 100 James Suckling
酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得
艾勒米格酒莊 - 擁有南美最好的釀酒師之一
酒莊葡萄園坐落於安第斯山脈山腳下於門多薩Mendoza的Gualtallary產區,歌塔利Gualtallary毫無疑問是門多薩Mendoza產區最優質的最高海拔產區,平均海拔1600米。在阿根廷得天獨厚的氣候環境之下,非常適合卡本內弗朗克Cabernet Franc的生長,更幸運的的是莊主找到了一片100年荖藤的卡本內弗朗克Cabernet Franc葡萄園。
2009年9月卡帝那.沙巴達酒莊Catena Zapata莊主的小女兒Adrianna Catena(圖左)和釀酒師Alejandro Vigil(圖右)兩人走在英國倫敦迷霧的夜色中,他們剛結束父親Nicolas Catena Zapata獲頒Decanter 雜誌授予《Man of the Year-年度風雲人物》的宴會後,他們倆天南地北的聊著,兩人各自的小孩幾乎是相同年紀,進而聊到他們可以一起合作創立一家尊重歷史和傳統的新酒莊,熱血沸騰的兩人血液裡都流著釀酒的基因,因而創造了可以和父親的阿根廷第一名莊卡帝那.沙巴達酒莊Catena Zapata相媲美的酒莊Bodega Aleanna –艾勒米格酒莊El Enemigo,強強聯手令酒莊一推即一鳴驚人,榮登國際級超級酒莊。
現任酒王卡帝那.沙巴達酒莊Catena Zapata的首席酒師,身兼2家酒莊釀酒師
釀酒師Alejandro Vigil 即是現任卡帝那.沙巴達酒莊Catena Zapata的首席釀酒師,其高超的釀酒功力早已揚名於世。他喜歡橄欖球並有職業級的水準,14歲因喜愛釀酒工作半工半讀白天釀酒晚上念書,之後去釀酒學校學習,天賦異稟的他27歲即擔任國家土壤研究的首席代表,2002年進入卡帝那.沙巴達酒莊Catena Zapata酒莊擔任釀酒師;Alejandro Vigil 跟老婆Maria和兒子Juan Cruz女兒Maria Giuliana Francesca居住在Mendoza 附近的Chachingo村子裡,他和鄰居一起釀酒、養豬雞等過著「土地共有,合作共生」的生活型態,他戲稱這裡是 ”Chachingo共和國”。
Alejandro Vigil不僅是是釀酒專家更是土壤專家,他一人同時擔任兩家酒莊的釀酒師並釀造出阿根廷僅有的兩款帕克RP-100滿分酒,97分以上更是不計其數,擁有無人能及的高超釀酒工藝。他是Decanter 評出的「年度釀酒師」、「南美洲十大頂級釀酒師」,稱他為「南美釀造第一人」也絕不為過!他尤其精通卡本內弗朗克Cabernet Franc和馬爾貝克Malbec葡萄品種,Vigil特別在右手刺青卡本內弗朗克Cabernet Franc 左手刺青 馬爾貝克Malbec 代表著他喜愛並專精這兩款葡萄品種。
酒莊引進來自義大利已有100歲的阿爾薩斯5000公升大橡木桶,隨後在酒莊進行了重新烘烤和組裝。這種木材的柔和感彰顯出卡本內弗朗克Cabernet Franc最純粹的特色,讓酒優雅細緻,非常值得一試。酒莊也採用蛋型發酵槽來發酵,證明酒莊不僅遵循傳統更努力創新。
艾勒米格酒莊El Enemigo與南美第一名莊卡帝那.沙巴達酒莊Catena Zapata酒莊關係密不可分,它們來自同一個家族,同一個釀酒師。卡帝那.沙巴達Catena Zapata家族到現在已經傳承到第四代,Laura 和Adrianna 的父親Nicolas Catena Zapata 廣受讚譽和敬重。Jancis Robinson 盛讚Nicolas是將阿根廷葡萄酒重新回歸世界葡萄酒版圖的人;法國拉菲酒莊Lafite主人Eric de Rothschild 男爵稱Nicolas是富有遠見,智慧,把阿根廷葡萄酒推向高質量的奠基者。現在小女兒Adrianna Catena和 Alejandro Vigil兩人所創立的Bodega Aleanna –艾勒米格酒莊El Enemigo必然是Nicolas Catena Zapata釀酒精神的延伸。
El Enemigo is the passion project of two Argentinian friends that has earned a cult following, dreamed up during a twilit sojourn along the River Thames in London in 2009. Alejandro Vigil is a soil expert and celebrated winemaker who for years has headed operations at Bodega Catena Zapata, the estate owned by Adrianna Catena’s father, the legendary Nicolás, a party in honour of whom they were both attending that opportune night. Adrianna is a historian currently studying for her doctorate at Oxford University. El Enemigo – the enemy – was created to produce a wine that would respect history and traditions whilst simultaneously rejecting the status quo.
The original goal was to produce cool climate, high altitude Cabernet Franc (the vineyards are up to 1,470 metres above sea level), based on a mutual love of retro Pomerol-style Bordeaux – Cheval Blanc in particular. It may not have been a fashionable move at the time, but this is where the duo’s shared rebellious streak kicked in. Today, their Cabernet Franc is peppered with a hint of Malbec, displaying the sharpness and tannic grip they both craved. Also very popular is the ‘Gran Enemigo’ Cabernet Franc-dominated blend with Cabernet Sauvignon, Petit Verdot and Merlot. There are also single varietal and single plot examples, displaying the best of the Mendoza and Uco Valley soils.
Techniques meld old with new: fashionable concrete eggs are used in conjunction with 100-year-old Alsatian oak foudres shipped in from Italy before being re-toasted and reassembled, as per tradition.