售價:$ 420/瓶
FINCA EUGENIO BUSTOS Altivo Cabernet Sauvignon
, Uco Valley, Mendoza, Argentina
產區/Region:Uco Valley
品種/Grapes: 100% Cabernet Sauvignon
酒質/Tasting Notes:Altivo系列是特別為日常用酒所設計的系列, 中等濃度, 口感清新, 與明顯的水果風味, 圓潤爽口。此款酒帶有深紅寶石色澤, 充滿櫻桃與熟透的梅果香氣, 口感柔順, 餘韻綿長. 適合在任何場合飲用
Intense ruby red color, with aromas reminding of cherries and ripe plums. Its amicable flavor and lingering finish makes this wine a pleasant one for frequent consumption.酒精濃度/ Alcohol: %
適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 15~17°C
建議搭配/ Food matches:適合所有肉類料理, 烤肉或是硬質乳酪
Perfect with BBQ´s, roasted lamb and hard cheeses.得獎紀錄/Score:
酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得
FINCA EUGENIO BUSTOS 建立於2000年, 為了追尋Eugenio Bustos 這位先驅的腳步, 而遵循傳統古法釀酒. 在翻新所有超過100多年歷史的釀酒設備以後, 更讓我們得以以現代的科技來釀造出和以往一樣的傳統口味, 同時兼具國際市場所要求的高品質葡萄酒.
現在, 在FINCA EUGENIO BUSTOS所產出的每一瓶酒, 都代表著我們對這位在Mendoza產區最有貢獻的釀酒先驅最高的敬意.
酒廠位於阿根廷Mendoza省境內安地斯山脈邊的山麓, 這塊土地位在海拔1000公尺高的地方, 此地的氣後算是半乾旱區, 冬天氣溫很低, 但夏天卻很溫暖.
Created in 2000 in honour to this pioneer, the Finca Eugenio Bustos portfolio comes only from this single vineyard, and rescues the tradition in the way of making wine. It’s due to that reason, that completely refurbished cement epoxy vats of over 100 years are used, which allow us to elaborate wines like in the old ways, but with today’s technology. Stainless steel tanks and oak barrels are also used, and together with the epoxy vats, combine the most modern technology with antique practices for the production of international quality wines. The wines of the portfolio of Eugenio Bustos are elaborated under strict controls and artisan cares in all the phases, obtaining in this way, products that stand out for their quality
Today, the wines of Finca Eugenio Bustos are a homage to one of the precursors of the wine culture in Mendoza.
The wines of Finca Eugenio Bustos come from a vineyard located in the foothills of the Andes Mountain Range, in the Uco Valley, province of Mendoza, Argentina; terroir of excellent vineyards. The lands are located over 1000 metres above sea level. The climate of this semi-arid area is of intense winters and very warm summers.