

思奔酒莊 鳶尾花不甜氣泡
SEPPELT Fleur de Lys Sparkling

售價:$ 850/瓶Bottle


SEPPELT Fleur de Lys Sparkling,
South East Australia, Australia

(Chardonnay, Pinot Noir; 11%)

產區/Region:South East Australia, Australia
品種/Grapes:Chardonnay, Pinot Noir
酒質/Tasting Notes:這是一款非常受歡迎的氣泡酒,多年來皆使用夏多內以及黑皮諾品種所釀製,並調合多個年份以提升氣泡酒的複雜度,風格柔和且高貴,豐富了整體的水果風味與口感,稻禾般酒色搭配新鮮水果口感,帶有些許餅乾與麵包風味,餘韻悠長伴隨柑橘般的清新與清脆,宜冰鎮後飲用。

Established in 1851, Seppelt Great Western is one of Australia's oldest wineries and has earned a reputation for producing premium quality wines that possess elegance and style. In addition, Seppelt has created some of the most awarded sparkling wines in Australian show history. 

Made predominantly from the classic sparkling wine grape varieties of Chardonnay and Pinot Noir, Fleur de Lys Chardonnay Pinot Noir is soft and elegant in style with subtle, integrated fruit and yeast aromas.

Seppelt Fleur de Lys Chardonnay Pinot Noir is a popular, non-vintage blend made from several vintages of base wines, to create a sparkling wine that has complexity and consistency of style from year to year.

A bright pale straw colour with a persistent mousse. The nose is fresh with strawberry fruit, a touch of creamy yeast and grassiness. The delicate fruit characters follow through onto the palate with a touch of biscuit and fresh dough. The finish is long and elegant with a refreshing crisp, citrus finish.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 11%
適飲溫度/ Serving temperature:5~8℃
建議搭配/ Food matches:宜搭配起司與具辣味類的料理,或生魚片、壽司、生菜蝦鬆等。Great with cheese and spicy food, fish dishes。


酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    思奔酒莊 SEPPELT

    澳洲知名酒評大師 James Halliday 在2018年版的 Australian Wine Companion 一書中,一如以往將本莊評鑑為最高榮譽的「紅色五星酒莊」。

    創始者Joseph Seppelt 先是於1851年在南澳的巴羅沙谷建立 Seppeltsfield 酒莊,成為全澳洲釀造酒精強化酒的國寶,其子孫 Benno Seppelt 則於1918年買下維多利亞州Great Western產區(本產區現稱為Grampians)的同名酒莊Great Western Winery(成立於1865年),並改名為思奔酒莊營運至今。本莊酒質精彩,有目共睹,曾三次獲得澳洲最具權威的「吉米・華生獎」(Jimmy Watson Trophy)。

    思奔酒莊有兩項最為人津津樂道之處。首先以「傳統香檳法」釀出澳洲第一支氣泡酒的酒莊,尤其還創出澳洲最獨特的「希哈紅色氣泡酒」。此外,不讓 奔富酒莊 的傳奇釀酒師 Max Schubert專美於前,思奔酒莊也有一位傳奇釀酒人 Colin Preece,在1930至1960年代也釀出許多傳世紅酒,是澳洲混釀葡萄酒的始祖。至今仍讓後輩釀酒師津津樂道。


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