
酷司酒莊 亞拉谷 黑皮諾紅酒
COLDSTREAM HILLS Yarra Valley Pinot Noir

售價:$ 1850/瓶Bottle


-亞拉谷系列 黑皮諾紅酒
COLDSTREAM HILLS Yarra Valley Pinot Noir,
Yarra Valley, Australia

(Pinot Noir; 13.5%)

產區/Region:Yarra Valley, Australia
品種/Grapes:Pinot Noir
酒質/Tasting Notes:酷司酒莊由詹姆斯哈利德(James Halliday)建立於1985年,隨即並成為澳洲領導酒莊並獲獎無數,此款以手工彩摘果實並釀製紅酒,更反應出亞拉谷產區當地的風土特性、持久性與其特有風格。 


Coldstream Hills was established in 1985 by James and Suzanne Halliday and has since grown to become one of Australia's leading and most awarded small wineries.

Situated in the picturesque Yarra Valley east of Melbourne, the steep close planted vineyards of Coldstream Hills have become a signature of the region. So too have its wines, which reflect regional character, consistency and style. Sourced from low yielding vineyards in the Lower and Upper Yarra Valley, all fruit is selectively picked prior to its delivery into the winery. It is made using a variety of handling and fermentation techniques, including the use of whole bunches. Each batch is then matured in seasoned and new oak for nine months, prior to blending and bottling. An un-seasonally warm Spring led to early budburst and fruit set. Canopies were healthy with yields generally above average. Dry , favourable conditions ensued with rapid fruit ripening and a uncharacteristically compressed vintage. Fruit quality was high, with the wines produced being generous in flavour.

Medium light crimson cherry in colour, vibrant cherry liqueur characters dominate with notes of cranberry, raspberry and spice adding support. Savoury, graphite-like notes, subtle French oak and hints of grape-stalk enhance the bouquet and add complexity. Medium bodied in style, the palate displays typical Pinot texture and silkiness. The tannins are persistent, fine and chalky, giving the wine both structure and length. Red cherry, cranberry and stalk spice are complemented by subtle nuances of French oak and graphite like wet slate. 

酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 13.5%
適飲溫度/ Serving temperature:18~22℃
建議搭配/ Food matches:適合搭配豐富具油脂的肉類料理,如烤肉、碳烤肋排、牛排等。Delicious with roasted beef and ribs..
2016-Australian Wine Companion-92pts、The Wine Front-92pts、West Australian-93pts、Royal Hobart International Wine Show-Gold


酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    酷司酒莊座落於專以涼爽氣候並釀製頂級夏多內以及黑皮諾聞名的精緻產區-東南澳維多利亞州的亞拉谷(Yarra Valley)產區,此產區的氣候比法國波爾多涼爽,卻也比法國布根地溫暖,酒莊由澳洲最知名酒評大師詹姆斯哈利德(James Halliday)成立於1985年,是澳洲車庫酒莊的始祖,也是澳洲首屈一指的小型精品酒莊。


    詹姆斯哈利德(James Halliday)在其所著的 Australian Wine Companion 一書中,酷司酒莊被列爲為保持長久傑出紀錄的最高榮譽「紅色五星酒莊」。

    今日,詹姆斯哈利德(James Halliday)雖已不涉入酒莊經營,但仍擔任酒莊顧問並經常現身於酒莊內新建置的 "詹姆斯哈利德酒窖The James Halliday Cellar"。

    Situated in the Yarra Valley, one of Australia's premier cool climate wine regions and renowned for Chardonnay and Pinot Noir, the steep, close-planted vineyards lining the natural Amphitheatre have become an icon of the region. Cooler than Bordeaux yet warmer than Burgundy, Yarra Valley is one of Australia's foremost cool-climate wine regions. 

    Coldstream Hills was founded by James and Suzanne Halliday in 1985, with the Amphitheatre and House Block planted in the same year. The Upper Yarra Valley Vineyard was planted in 1993, followed by the acquisition of the Briarston Vineyard in 1994, and the Fernhill Vineyard in 1996.
    Winemakers Andrew Fleming and Greg Jarratt joined Coldstream Hills in 2001 – positions they hold to this day. Their leadership produced a string of wine show awards, including Champion Wine of the 2005 Royal Queensland Wine Show for their 2003 Coldstream Hills Reserve Chardonnay, and the Adelaide Trophy for Most Outstanding Red or White Wine in Show (2005 Coldstream Hills Reserve Chardonnay). In 2007, the pair released just 68 cases of their first – and now famous - Amphitheatre Pinot Noir.
    The James Halliday Cellar was officially opened on October 12, 2010, alongside the release of new Single Vineyard Chardonnays from our Deer Farm and Rising Vineyards.



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