
P+S酒莊 PS紅酒
PRATS & SYMINGTON Post Scriptum de Chryseia

售價:$ 1550/瓶

- PS紅酒
PRATS & SYMINGTON Post Scriptum de Chryseia,
Douro DOC, Portugal


品種/Grapes:53% Touriga Franca, 45% Touriga Nacional, 2% Others

酒質/Tasting Notes:展現 Touriga Franca 典型鮮活的花香(如岩薔薇),還有尤加利樹的氣味,口感豐富渾厚、有深度的架構,散發深色水果如黑櫻桃、李子的香氣,及完美漂亮的酸度。現臻適飲,亦可陳10-20年實力。

酒精濃度/ Alcohol:13.5%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature:16-22°C

建議搭配/ Food matches: 適合搭配烘烤的牛肉料理。Match with roast beef dishes.



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    數十年來,Bruno Prats 的名字與波爾多二級酒莊 Cos d’Estournel 畫上等號,直到1998年他卸下莊主與釀酒師的角色,轉往全世界其他葡萄酒產區發展。隔年,他與 Symington 家族共同創立葡萄牙頂級紅酒品牌 Prats & Symington,結合葡萄牙最優質的葡萄園地 與 波爾多頂尖的釀酒技術與經驗,共同打造世界級佳釀- Douro wines 斗羅紅酒,來自葡萄牙斗羅河的紅酒。2000年,他們釀造第一款斗羅紅酒- Chryseia!
    Quinta de Roriz 莊園歷史可以追溯到18世紀末期,有位蘇格蘭人沿著兩英哩的斗羅河畔耕種來自法國布根地的葡萄(如今以Tinta Francisca著稱)。Symington 家族在2009 年買下了Quinta de Roriz,並致力於釀造斗羅的頂級紅酒,43公頃的葡萄園地海拔高度介於125-250公尺,酒質渾厚豐富且平衡,良好的集中度與單寧架構,以及礦石味的特色。有別於當地典型傳統單一區塊混種許多葡萄品種,P+S的葡萄園是獨立區塊園地耕種單一葡萄品種居多。葡萄果實可以依照熟成度單獨採收,也可以分開釀造成酒,等到最後再混調。當地的葡萄都還是維持以人工小籃採收,每次的收成是用哪個區塊或葡萄品種,取決於當年的氣候條件而定,不見得每年都一樣。
    2013 年 3 月初,以獨特香檳瓶身風格設計的這支酒,首釀 6000 瓶在法國網路上一推出,5 小時內就銷售一空。除了參與瓶身與酒標設計,裘布也參與了這款酒的調和過程 ! 這款酒並非只沾有巨星光環,它來自良好的風土地塊,並且融合兩個家族對葡萄酒的熱愛。

    In 1999, The Symington family formed a partnership with the Prats family of Bordeaux to make top Douro wines.

    The first Prats & Symington wine was Chryseia 2000 which received widespread national and international acclaim. Since then Chryseia and its second wine, Post Scriptum, have consistently appeared amongst the most highly rated Douro wines.

    Chryseia was the first Portuguese non-fortified wine in the Wine Spectator’s annual Top 100 Wines and has now appeared three times in this influential list. In 2014 Chryseia 2011 was ranked at number three in the Top 100, the highest ever placing of a Douro wine. Prats & Symington also make Prazo de Roriz, a red wine produced from younger vines and, in exceptional years, a Quinta de Roriz Vintage Port.

    Prats & Symington wines are made at one of the Douro’s greatest estates, the beautiful Quinta de Roriz. This historic vineyard dates from 1565 and has long been famous for the quality of its wines. The 42-hectare Roriz vineyard is complemented by the 23-ha Quinta da Perdiz in the neighboring Rio Torto valley. Quinta da Vila Velha owned by James and Rupert Symington, directly adjoins Roriz and some of its best grapes are also used to make Chryseia and Post Scriptum.


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