
泰廷爵酒廠 特級不甜香檳 375ml
TAITTINGER Brut Reserve 375ml

售價:$ 1400/瓶Bottle



-特級不甜香檳 375ml

TAITTINGER Brut Reserve ,
AC-Champagne, France  375ml


品種/Grapes:60% Pinot Noir, 40% Chardonnay, a fewPinot Meunie ;aged fro 3 years

酒質/Tasting Notes:泰廷爵香檳從40個不同精選葡萄園釀造而成,獨特的高比例夏多內白葡萄混調而成,充分呈現泰廷爵香檳的完美釀造及風格。色澤金黃亮麗,氣泡持久且晶瑩細膩,帶有濃厚青蘋果、白桃果香和白色花香(如:洋槐花acacia)及香草莢芳香。口感以新鮮水果加上和蜂蜜味道展現,略帶乾果仁煙燻氣息,口感均衡,酒精與果酸非常協調,故能保持其原來之優雅。

Taittinger Brut Réserve is blend of Chardonnay (40%) and Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier (60%) wines from over 35 different vineyards and vintages matured to perfection. This high proportion of Chardonnay, unique among fine non-vintage champagnes, and a minimum ageing of three years in the cellars, where it reaches the peak of aromatic maturity, make Taittinger Brut Réserve a delicately balanced champagne, known for its consistently excellent quality the world over. Taittinger considers it an honour to produce a Brut champagne every year without exception.
The brilliant body is golden yellow in colour. The bubbles are fine, while the foam is discreet yet lingering. The nose, very open and expressive, delivers aromas of fruit and brioche. It also gives off the fragrance of peach, white flowers (hawthorn, acacia) and vanilla pod. The entry onto the palate is lively, fresh and in total harmony. This is a delicate wine with flavours of fresh fruit and honey.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 12%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 6-10°

建議搭配/ Food matches:無論搭配餐用或整晚上飲用,都很理想,可說是非常討喜的香檳。Taittinger Brut Réserve is the champagne for any occasion. A symbol of festivity, this wine is the ideal partner of celebration for the happiest milestones in a lifetime.

得獎紀錄/Score: Wine & Spirits Magazine: 19th Restaurant Poll-the most popular champagne#2
2008 Decanter: World Wine Award: Silver Medal
2002 Wine Advocate 90 points



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    泰廷爵酒廠 TAITTINGER 

    泰廷爵香檳酒廠 位於黎恩香檳區首都漢思 (Reims) 的泰廷爵酒廠,成立於1734年,葡萄園廣達642英畝,是香檳區內歷史最悠久、葡萄園面積最大的香檳酒莊之一。泰廷爵香檳酒廠因有廣大的葡萄園並全位於香檳區內的精華地段,葡萄經精挑細選,同時亦只採用第一次壓榨的葡萄液(Cuvee)釀造,而將第二次的葡萄液(Tailles)售予其他香檳酒商,因此泰廷爵香檳特別新鮮芳香,氣泡優美持久。 泰廷爵香檳品質穩定優雅,除選用品質上乘的葡萄,亦靠一群人的努力,這群人不分男女,共有十位每年全心全意投入試酒過程,以挑選最好的酒來完成最後的混調作第二次的香檳發酵。

    泰廷爵香檳Taittinger Brut Reserve 泰廷爵香檳系列的最新一款是豪華粉紅香檳(Brut Prestige Rose),是以黎恩區一級碧諾瓦葡萄汁的白香檳,加上15%同樣品種之紅香檳酒混調而成之絕品佳釀。 無可非議的品質─泰廷爵酒廠每年都生產泰廷爵香檳(Taittinger Brut Reserve),這是一款以不同年份收成之黑皮諾及夏多娜葡萄細心釀造,調配均衡之香檳美酒。泰廷爵香檳酒廠因有廣大的葡萄園並全位於香檳區內的精華地段,葡萄經精挑細選,同時亦只採用第一次壓榨的葡萄液(Cuvee)釀造,而將第二次的葡萄液(Tailles)售予其他香檳酒商,因此泰廷爵香檳特別新鮮芳香,氣泡優美持久。


    Champagne Taittinger is one of France’s most celebrated Champagne houses. As the epitome of French sophistication, style and grace, Champagne Taittinger celebrates the pleasures of life, believing that life’s special moments are best enjoyed with fine Champagne and good company.

    Originally founded in 1734 by Pierre Taittinger, Champagne Taittinger owns over 288 hectares of vineyards in the best localities of the Champagne region. The Champagne Taittinger cellars - still used to store wine to this day - are located in Reims, beneath the Abbey of St Nicaise, which was destroyed in the French Revolution. These cellars were initially dug in the Gallo-Roman period and extended by the Benedictine monks in the 13th century.

    Revered by critics all over the world and recognised for the high component of Chardonnay used in its premium Champagnes, Champagne Taittinger is renowned for creating wines of unmatched delicacy, elegance and finesse.


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