

菲力普酒莊 頂級卡本內蘇維濃紅酒
LUIS FELIPE EDWARDS Family selection Gran Reserva Cabernet Sauvignon

售價:$ 1000/瓶




LUIS FELIPE EDWARDS Family selection Gran reserva Cabernet Sauvignon,

Colchagua Valley,Chile

產區/Region:Colchagua Valley

品種/Grapes:Cabernet Sauvignon 90%、Syrah 10%

酒質/Tasting Notes:  豐富的層次帶來了複雜醇美的香氣,優雅的氣息中隱約帶有草莓、香草、皮革與菸草味,單寧緊實卻順口,酒體相當醇厚,分明的餘韻悠長且典雅。四月及五月採收葡萄,在溫度控制26℃-28℃環境下發酵15天,去梗破皮後,放在法國與美國橡木桶12個月,其中30%存放於新法國橡木桶,其餘則存放在二手及三手法國與美國橡木桶中熟成。

In our Gran Reserva range you will find 9 different award-winning varietal wines made with carefully selected grapes from our best vineyards located in the premium wine valleys of Chile. The Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Noir come from our Leyda Valley estate, Chardonnay from Casablanca, and Roussane from the Colchagua Coast. The other red varietals in this range come from our estates in the Colchagua Valley and are aged for a minimum of 12 months in oak barrels. These wines have more complexity and volume in the mouth, show more mature and concentrated fruit flavors, and are a wonderful companion to your favorite dishes. In your country the Gran Reserva range may be called “Seleccion de Familia ” or “Family Selection” since these fine wines are always included in our family’s private cellars and reserved for special occasions.

This wine shows an intense garnet red color. It has a juicy, full-bodied palate with concentrated fruit and robust structure. The long, elegant finish unveils flavors of cedar wood, tobacco and spice.



酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 14%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 16-20 °C

建議搭配/ Food matches:適合與雞胸肉、雞肉、牛排、羊排與洋菇共飲。

Brisket, roasted chicken, steak, dark chocolate


1.  China Rubis Awards 2010 – 75th place Contest of Top 100 best wines in the Chinese market.

2.Challenge International Du Vin 2010–Gold Medal
3.7th Annual Wines of Chile Awards 2010-Silver Medal
4.Gran Cata de Vino Chilenos 2010 – 榮獲90 Points 




酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得


      Luis Felipe Edwards是一間規模中等的家族酒莊。位於智利中部,聖地牙哥南邊的受到太平洋海風輕拂的空加瓜谷(Colchagua Valley)。空加瓜谷以生產卓越且優質的葡萄著稱,菲力普酒莊的歷史要回溯到1976年,幾十年來維持100%家族管理,完全使用自己栽種的葡萄,以確實掌控每段釀造過程與品質。多年來發展出來的葡萄園共佔450畝,優良且自然的生長環境,配合智利恰當的氣候使葡萄健康且優質。

    Established in 1976, Vina Luis Felipe Edwards is undeniably one of the most progressive wineries in Chile.
    Always keen to invest in land, technology and people, the Colchagua Valley based operation sits nestled amongst the Alamos trees, separated from the colossal Andes by the smaller San Fernando ridge.
    The winery produces over 1 million cases (9lt) per year and exports to over 40 countries, making it a major global player. Luis Felipe Edwards remains a family run operation, allowing greater control to ensure that the LFE brand name is synonymous with quality and traditional family values.


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