

傑羅酒廠 繽紛之橋 卡本內蘇維濃紅酒
J. LOHR Painter Bridge Cabernet Sauvignon

售價:$ 620/瓶


-繽紛之橋 卡本內蘇維濃紅酒

J. LOHR Painter Bridge Cabernet Sauvignon,
Central Coast, California, USA

產區/Region: Central coast

品種/Grapes:100% Cabernet Sauvignon

酒質/Tasting Notes:年輕亮麗的石榴紅色澤,香氣帶有黑醋栗、紅醋栗、咖啡、黑橄欖、西洋杉等豐厚的甜美氣味;在口中傳達出圓柔順口的質感,以及典型的成熟漿果香。Beautiful & vivid garnet color with rich aromas of blackcurrant, red currant, coffee, black olive, and cedar. Round & soft palate. 

酒精濃度/ Alcohol:13%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature:14-18°

建議搭配/ Food matches:建議搭配各式燒烤及義大利式料理。



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    傑羅酒廠 J. LOHR 

    來自加州的J. Lohr傑羅酒廠,在加州Arroyo Seco, Paso Robels以及Napa都擁有自己的葡萄園,創始人Jerry Lohr更是傳奇,自1960年代起以農為業,尤其對葡萄的各種品種及特性均暸若指掌,所以他釀造出來的酒,均是渾厚紮實,充滿尾韻的細緻好酒,整個葡萄園佔地3,000英畝,在其首席釀酒師Jeff Meier精心調配下,支支皆出眾,瓶瓶有看頭,最受矚目的是旗艦酒款Cuvee系列,此系列仿傚法國頂級酒款葡萄調配的比率釀製而成,限量生產,釀出渾厚多變的頂級加州酒款,Estate系列經常贏得大獎,並被Decanter雜誌譽為物超所值的十大酒款之一。
    In the late 1960’s, Jerry Lohr began an extensive investigation of grape growing regions throughout California. Today the J. Lohr products are available throughout the United States and in more than 25 countries worldwide. The goal of J. Lohr brands is to produce varietals that can compete with the finest in the world, using a style that focuses on flavor and complexity through vineyard selection, technology and innovation.


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