售價:$ 690/瓶
-慕利那系列 精選蘇維濃白酒
SAN PEDRO Castello de Molina Sauvignon Blanc Reserva,
Elqui Valley, Chile
產區/Region:Elqui Valley
品種/Grapes: 100% Sauvignon Blanc
酒質/Tasting Notes:淺黃明亮帶青綠光采,香氣濃郁 洋溢著熱帶水果的甜香,併著些許的青草味道以及柑橘香氣,結合清新草香與新鮮水果的口感,酸度均衡 帶有經典的礦物特質,餘韻悠長。
Greenish pail yellow, very young, clean and brilliant. High aromatic personality, where fresh tropical and exotic fruits combine with freshly cut grass and subtle notes of citric fruits, lime, pear and maracuya. This wine stands out forits freshness and vivacity. It knots together vegetable and fruity flavours with a good and balanced acidity. It is also mineral, with a good volume and persistent finish mouth-feel.
酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 13.5%
適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 9~12°C
建議搭配/ Food matches:可當開胃酒佐魚貝類料理ideal as an aperitif, with fish and shellfish
酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得
聖派德羅酒廠在1865年由 Correa Albano兄弟所建立,經過將近150年來的努力,如今已經是智利第二大的葡萄酒出口商,也是第三大的葡萄酒廠,更是VSP集團中所有酒廠的領導品牌。 酒廠主要坐落於Curicó Valley, 共計1200公頃的葡萄栽種區域,為南美洲最大的栽種區域之一,另外聖派德羅酒廠 在整個Central Valley總共有約2500公頃的葡萄園。在1940年,聖派德羅酒廠開始將其高品質的葡萄酒外銷至美國、加拿大、德國以及日本,從此在國際間打開了知名度:適合各種場合飲用的御貓系列在1960年問世,在國際間獲得了許多好評,接著在1980年酒廠又推出了在國際競賽中屢屢獲獎的慕利那系列。從1990年開始,酒廠在智利幾個主要的葡萄產區開始收購葡萄園,從中區的Colchagua, Maipo一路延伸到北部產區Elqui and Limarí Valley, 這些位處智利各區的葡萄園每年所提供的優質葡萄, 也就是聖派德羅酒廠得獎連連的關鍵。
聖派德羅酒廠以其多樣的產品線,滿足世界各地不同需求的消費者,從Cabo de Hornos合恩角紀念紅酒, 1865系列 Castillo de Molina慕利那系列,35°South 35Sur系列,到 GatoNegro御貓系列,這五個不同系列的葡萄酒,目前銷售已經遍及全球五大洲80多個市場,在世界各地都受到消費者的青睞。
Founded in 1865 by the Correa Albano brothers, Viña San Pedro is today the second largest Chilean wine exporter and the country’s third biggest winery. The winery and is located in Curicó Valley, where San Pedro owns one of the largest continuous area of vineyards in South America, with 1,200 hectares. In total San Pedro has over 2,500 hectares planted all along the Central Valley . Since 1990 the company has long term contracts and has been acquiring vineyards in ’s other main viticulture valleys, such as Leyda, Colchagua, Maipo, San Antonio, Casablanca , Elqui and Limarí. Today these vineyards provide perfect conditions for several varieties.
As their vineyards evolved and the high quality of their wines started to shine through they began to ship to the , , , and in 1940. Following the company’s success abroad, two emblematic wines for this winery were launched onto the market: GatoNegro was born in 1960 and the reserve wine Castillo de Molina was launched around1980.
VSP is present in almost 80 markets on all five continents with its brands Cabo de Hornos, 1865, Castillo de Molina, 35°South, and GatoNegro. This wide brand portfolio allows it to target a great variety of consumers throughout the world.