

聖派德羅酒廠 1865單一葡萄園系列-馬爾貝克紅酒
SAN PEDRO 1865 Single Vineyard Malbec

售價:$ 1250/瓶




SAN PEDRO 1865 Single Vineyard Malbec
, Maule Vally, Chile

產區/Region:Maule Vally

品種/Grapes: 100% Malbec

酒質/Tasting Notes:在完美的風土條件與對品質的堅持下,創造出1865這一個摩登、高雅與前衛風格的系列!為了向酒廠的創始人致敬也緬懷他們當初對於釀酒事業的堅持,聖派德羅酒廠特別以1865這個酒廠創立的年份為名,設計出一系列的酒款,並將其定位在「回到最初的釀酒哲學- 探尋每個品種最真實的特質」,因此1865系列每個酒款都來自於單一葡萄園,針對每一個葡萄園不同的土壤特性、氣候條件與不同品種的特殊需求量身打造各自獨特的耕作技巧。如此用心的經營,只是為了真實地還原1865年開始的那一份最簡單的堅持!釀造方式為冷浸泡4-5天,以特選酵母在攝氏28-29度進行酒精發酵,接著浸泡30天。

1865 represents a modern, elegant, and avant-garde brand with a great character, whose quality and terroir are expressed in each variety.
Vina San Pedro began in 1865, and this line pays homage to the winery’s founders, their visionary vocation, and their respect for wine. The concept that gives rise to this line follows the most basic rule of fine wine production: seek true varietal expression. To do that, each 1865 wine is the product of a single vineyard for the maximum expression of terroir. Every precaution is taken to match the variety with the soil type and vineyard management techniques best suited to its unique needs.
Cold maceration for 4 to 5 days. Alcoholic fermentation with selected yeasts and controlled temperatures between 28ºC and 29º C. 30 days of maceration. Aged in French barrels for 12 months. 50% of the barrels were new

Colour: very dark, intense violet, very lively with blackish tones.
Nose: this wine reveals a lot of fruit, specifically blackberries and raspberries, somewhat fresh and ripe, combined with a gentle leather tone, all accompanied by oak that integrates well with these elements.
Palate: very velvety, high-bodied, with sweet tannins. It is a friendly wine with a long finish revealing its fruitiness and roundness.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol: %

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 16~18°C

建議搭配/ Food matches:可搭配野味、紅肉及起司


08 La Cav Magazine’s Tasting Panel Guide, 10 best Malbec (05)
05 International Wine Challenge, Bronze Medal (02)
05 Challenge International du Vin, Silver Medal (02)
04 International Wine Challenge London, Bronze Medal (01)


酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    聖派德羅酒廠 VINA SAN PEDRO

    聖派德羅酒廠在1865年由 Correa Albano兄弟所建立,經過將近150年來的努力,如今已經是智利第二大的葡萄酒出口商,也是第三大的葡萄酒廠,更是VSP集團中所有酒廠的領導品牌。 酒廠主要坐落於Curicó Valley, 共計1200公頃的葡萄栽種區域,為南美洲最大的栽種區域之一,另外聖派德羅酒廠 在整個Central Valley總共有約2500公頃的葡萄園。在1940年,聖派德羅酒廠開始將其高品質的葡萄酒外銷至美國、加拿大、德國以及日本,從此在國際間打開了知名度:適合各種場合飲用的御貓系列在1960年問世,在國際間獲得了許多好評,接著在1980年酒廠又推出了在國際競賽中屢屢獲獎的慕利那系列。從1990年開始,酒廠在智利幾個主要的葡萄產區開始收購葡萄園,從中區的Colchagua, Maipo一路延伸到北部產區Elqui and Limarí Valley, 這些位處智利各區的葡萄園每年所提供的優質葡萄, 也就是聖派德羅酒廠得獎連連的關鍵。

    聖派德羅酒廠以其多樣的產品線,滿足世界各地不同需求的消費者,從Cabo de Hornos合恩角紀念紅酒, 1865系列 Castillo de Molina慕利那系列,35°South 35Sur系列,到 GatoNegro御貓系列,這五個不同系列的葡萄酒,目前銷售已經遍及全球五大洲80多個市場,在世界各地都受到消費者的青睞。

    Founded in 1865 by the Correa Albano brothers, Viña San Pedro is today the second largest Chilean wine exporter and the country’s third biggest winery. The winery and is located in Curicó Valley, where San Pedro owns one of the largest continuous area of vineyards in South America, with 1,200 hectares. In total San Pedro has over 2,500 hectares planted all along the Central Valley . Since 1990 the company has long term contracts and has been acquiring vineyards in ’s other main viticulture valleys, such as Leyda, Colchagua, Maipo, San Antonio, Casablanca , Elqui and Limarí. Today these vineyards provide perfect conditions for several varieties.

    As their vineyards evolved and the high quality of their wines started to shine through they began to ship to the , , , and in 1940. Following the company’s success abroad, two emblematic wines for this winery were launched onto the market: GatoNegro was born in 1960 and the reserve wine Castillo de Molina was launched around1980.

    VSP is present in almost 80 markets on all five continents with its brands Cabo de Hornos, 1865, Castillo de Molina, 35°South, and GatoNegro. This wide brand portfolio allows it to target a great variety of consumers throughout the world.



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