售價:$ 4800/瓶Bottle
美國-加州產區-開木斯酒莊 那帕山谷產區
CAYMUS Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon,
Napa Valley, California, USA
(Cabernet Sauvignon; 14.8%)
產區/Region:Napa Valley, California, USA
品種/Grapes:Cabernet Sauvignon
酒質/Tasting Notes:開木斯酒莊紅酒的代表性風格即為深沉的酒色,帶有豐富的水果和成熟風味,丹寧柔和-在年輕人與成熟者間皆容易接受。 我們在那帕山谷(Napa)的16個種植區中有8個種植卡本內蘇維濃紅葡萄,因此讓我們能夠在一年中釀出最好的葡萄酒。 我們的卡本內蘇維濃具有豐富多層次的表現,馥郁的香氣與口感中帶有可可,黑醋栗和成熟的深色莓果風味。
Caymus has a signature style that is dark in color, with rich fruit and ripe, velvety tannins – as approachable in youth as in maturity. We farm Cabernet grapes in eight of Napa’s 16 sub-appellations, with diversification enabling us to make the best possible wine in a given year. Our Cabernet offers layered, lush aromas and flavors, including cocoa, cassis and ripe dark berries.
酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 14.8%
適飲溫度/ Serving temperature:18~22℃
建議搭配/ Food matches:適合搭配厚切火烤肋眼牛排。 Pair it with a thick, well-marbled grilled ribeye.
得獎紀錄/Score:2017-Robert Parker 94pts, Wine Spectator 92pts, Wilfred Wong 92pts
2016-Wine Spectator 92s, Wilfred Wong 92pts
2015-Robert Parker 94pts, Wilfred Wong 92pts
2014-Robert Parker 94pts, Wine Spectator 90pts, Wilfred Wong 91pts
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