

開木斯酒莊 特選卡本內蘇維濃紅酒
CAYMUS Special Selection Cabernet Sauvignon

售價:$ 9000/瓶Bottle


美國-加州產區-開木斯酒莊 那帕山谷產區
CAYMUS Special Selection Cabernet Sauvignon,
Napa Valley, California, USA

(100% Cabernet Sauvignon; 14.9%)

產區/Region:Napa Valley, California, USA
品種/Grapes:Cabernet Sauvignon
酒質/Tasting Notes:酒莊的旗艦酒款,只從最好中挑出最好的,須經過多次精挑細選才選出生產的年份,絕不會令人失望。每一年開木斯酒莊的釀酒團隊都會盲測他們所有的卡本內蘇維濃,並且選出當中最好的一批來釀製此款特選卡本內蘇維濃紅酒,是一款真正具有傳奇色彩的葡萄酒。


酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 14.9%
適飲溫度/ Serving temperature:18~22℃
建議搭配/ Food matches:建議搭配西式料理如烤羊排、爐烤牛肉、威靈頓牛排。亦可搭配亞洲料理如蠔油牛肉、港式燒臘、日式漢堡排。


酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    美國加州當紅酒廠,旗艦酒款"開木斯酒莊精選卡本內蘇維濃紅酒紅酒 CAYMUS Special Selection Cabernet Sauvignon"有加州第一美酒的美稱,口感細緻優雅高貴、媲美法國名酒,多次擊敗法國五大酒莊,並獲得國際酒評家Robert Parker高價稱許,並讚譽為「卡本內的王者」。

    *多次獲得”Wine Spectator”Top 100百大好酒
    *《神之雫》第22集讚賞「美味!華麗得來又柔和豐滿,完全沒有年輕法國酒的Cabernet Sauvignon那種裝模作樣、難以親近的感覺。」

    1906年一個Wagner家族來到加州的那帕谷地(Napa Valley)的Rutherford地區,購置了農場並開始種植葡萄,1915年起他們開始釀酒販售,然而1920年頒布的的禁酒令卻中斷了他們的葡萄酒事業。直到1966年,Charles F. Wagner將農園中的果樹拔除,開始種植卡本內蘇維濃葡萄,並在1972年和其夫人與其高中剛畢業的兒子Chuck Wagner創立了自家的酒莊—Caymus Vineyards

    1975年份開木斯酒莊推出了旗艦酒"開木斯酒莊精選卡本內蘇維濃紅酒紅酒 CAYMUS Special Selection Cabernet Sauvignon",將本酒莊打響了名號。自從這款酒推出以來,曾經多次被Wine Spectator遴選為「年度百大好酒(top 100 wines of the year)」的殊榮,甚至1984、1990兩個年份都獲得百大第一名,是迄今無人能企及的光榮紀錄。

    開木斯酒莊另一款膾炙人口的產品是"開木斯酒莊那帕山谷卡本內蘇維濃紅酒 CAYMUS Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon"。開木斯酒莊會將已經成熟的卡本內蘇維濃葡萄串持續掛在樹上直到冬季將至,雖然這個方法會損失一些收成,但是過熟的葡萄會提供更圓厚的口感、更深的顏色、豐富又柔順細緻的單寧,這種技術稱為 “Hang time”;開木斯酒莊所生產的兩款開木斯酒莊 那帕山谷 卡本內蘇維濃紅酒均採用這種特別技術。

    Charlie Wagner founded Caymus Vineyards in 1972 and has made Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon every year since its founding. Caymus focuses entirely on this variety and the winery's 60-plus acres of estate Cabernet Sauvignon in Napa Valley's Rutherford District forms the foundation of Caymus' Cabernet every vintage. And every vintage Caymus Cabernet is snapped up by Cab lovers and collectors while it's lauded by critics. 

    Caymus Vineyards produces two Cabernets Sauvignons – a “Napa Valley” and the venerable “Special Selection”. Both Cabernet bottlings have aromas and flavors which can only be achieved through “hang time” – a technique which chances the loss of crop if early winter sets in. Leaving the fruit to “hang” on the vine unusually long develops suppleness, increases color, and matures the tannins of the grapes. The wines are abundant in textural tannins yet soft as velvet. Crop thinning, allowing measured sunlight to reach the vine’s fruit zone, and waiting for increased ripeness are all part of our viticultural practices. Caymus Cabernets offer a wide array of aromas and flavors including cocoa, cassis and vanilla.

    Caymus Special Selection is the flagship wine of the Wagner family and is comprised of the very best barrels of the vintage. This wine is not produced in difficult years. Caymus Napa Valley is more representative of a standard Cabernet of Napa Valley, as it is a bit less precocious than the Special Selection, but still delivers big. Caymus prides itself on producing wines that are as approachable in youth as well at maturity. Both the “Napa Valley” and “Special Selection” Cabernets are produced under the winemaking hand of Chuck Wagner.



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