
漢恩酒莊 黑皮諾紅酒 375mll
HAHN FAMILY Pinot Noir 375ml

售價:$ 620/瓶

-加州 蒙特雷產區
-黑皮諾紅酒 375ml
HAHN FAMILY Winery Pinot Noir ,
Monterey County, California, USA 375ml


Monterey County, California, USA 

100% Pint Noir

酒質/Tasting Notes:
深受海洋氣候的影響,蒙特雷產區白晝陽光充沛,夜晚涼爽多霧;比起其他溫暖產區,葡萄的成長期可多達二個月,非常適合栽種世界級黑皮諾葡萄。目前黑皮諾己成為產區種植最為廣泛的紅葡萄品種,面積超過 6,000英畝。而較長的成長期也提供葡萄獨特的結構、深度及飽和度,果實也易於達成圓潤熟成。紅寶石明亮的色澤,充份呈現蒙特雷產區黑皮諾的本質。獨特的黑櫻桃、可樂及香甜橡樹芳香,饒富熟成莓果、香草及香料氣息;口感圓滑柔順酸度明亮均衡,絲綢般的丹寧,綿長細緻的尾韻。

The Hahn 2010 Pinot showcases all that is exceptional about Monterey County Pinot Noir.Fresh raspberry and black cherry scents are intense and concentrated followed in the mid-palate by decadent berry compote flavors with fragrant cardamom and clove undertones.
This is a rich and vibrant wine whose purity of Pinot Noir flavors are given dimension by a light touch of toasty oak, supported by earthy tannins and classic cool-climate acidity. This versatile wine stands alone well, but would be a perfect partner to a variety of fish, poultry or pasta dishes. Try it with risotto with shellfish, wild mushrooms and pancetta, roast five-spice duck with mango chutney or a traditional pairing of grilled salmon with Pinot Noir pan sauce and garlic mashed potatoes.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol:

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature:

建議搭配/ Food matches:




酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    漢恩家族是個專注於加州及紐西蘭酒莊品牌的專業行銷業務公司, 漢恩家族莊園位於蒙特婁的聖塔露莎高原,葡萄園獲得永續發展認證,且為當地首個獲得綠色環保認證的酒廠。 漢恩家族釀製眾多系列葡萄酒,包括最高等級的露希安系列、漢恩SLH莊園系列,包括聖塔露莎高原到最出色的漢恩酒廠、史密斯霍克酒廠以及Bin36品牌,包含最基本的中央海岸產區、蒙特婁郡產區系列,至漢廷頓酒廠部分的索諾瑪產區的卡耐羅及亞力山大山谷。
    Hahn Family Wines is a professional, full-service sales and marketing company specializing in estate winery brands from California and New Zealand.  The Hahn Family Wines estate is located in Monterey County's Santa Lucia Highlands, one of California's premier and most highly sought after wine appellations. Our vineyards have been certified sustainable, and the winery is the first green certified winery in the region. Hahn Family Wines produces a broad portfolio of wines including the Ultra-Premium Lucienne and Hahn SLH Estate Wines from the Santa Lucia Highlands to the distinctive Hahn Winery, Smith & Hook Winery and Bin36 brands primarily from the Central Coast and Monterey County appellations to Huntington Wine Cellars from Sonoma appellations such as Carneros and Alexander Valley, to Copa del Rey from Chile to the Cycles Gladiator Wines which bear Central Coast and California appellations.


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